
Friday, February 10, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up–The New Mexico Edition


On Saturday the girls attended a Victorian Tea at the Woodrow Wilson Museum locally.   This was Olivia’s 2nd year to attend, and Lindsey’s first.   Last year, Olivia’s photo made the papers and even the news coverage of the tea.   This year was Lindsey’s turn to shine as she ended up being covered rather extensively, browse through the photo gallery at Victorian Day at WWPL

Here are the girls wearing the hats they made at the tea, they apparently were feeling a bit goofy after being proper all day.


Geography:  We focused on New Mexico this week.   The girls loved learning about Geronimo and the pueblo dwellings of  some of the other natives tribes.   They also found the UFO stories from Roswell to be interesting, and the photos of the “aliens” to be a bit creepy.   We even made some fry bread for a snack.  I also noticed that we somehow missed Washington, so we’ll do that at the end of our states study.

Books we used:

Geronimo; by Bill & Dorcas Thompson
Geronimo, Apache Freedom Fighter; by Spring Herman
New Mexico; by Michael Burgan
New Mexico; by Deborah Kent
New Mexico; by Therese De Angelis

Olivia competed in her first spelling bee this week.   The competition was for grades 1-8.  Olivia make it to the 4th round of competition before misspelling a word.   The winners worked up through round 12.   It was a great experience for her, we’ll definitely do it again next year.


Both girls continue to do well in the core subjects.   I’m finding that Lindsey is a little learning machine, she can plow through work like a tank!   I’d noticed Olivia has been struggling in math a bit more since I’ve been working.  I found out today that the my husband somehow didn’t know there was a teacher manual for her math and has just been giving her the worksheets to figure out on her own.   Needless to say there was some tense discussion over this, and so I’m going to have to go back through her work and see what she’s been taught and what she’s been guessing at.

In addition to our normal extra curricular activities (ballet, Awana, choir and piano), Olivia started tennis lessons this week at the YMCA.   She LOVES it, and it seems to be a good fit for her to replace softball.

For those of you who have been following my prodigal family member story, I’ve posted what should be the final episode on S.A.H.M. I Am! 

Be sure to visit the Weekly Wrap Up!

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  1. I love your New Mexico stuff we are studying that area as well to go along with our American girl study on Josefina!

  2. The picture of your daughter when she found one of the hunt's items on the paper's website is priceless--so excited! Live and learn about the math. Hope you work it all out.


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