
Friday, August 28, 2020

Weekly Wrap Up - First Week of Sophomore Year

Lindsey continues to heal up from her wisdom tooth surgery.  Friday of last week was really rough, she said she felt like she was dying, and truthfully she was looking pretty terrible too.  The swelling has slowly started to go down.  Her pain level is manageable with regular Tylenol now, and that's not needed a great deal.  She is still eating mostly soft foods, but is no longer dealing with nausea.  

Sunday night Olivia left for a mini-vacation with my BFF.  This will be the extent of her summer vacation as she goes straight into working 11 straight days at the horse farm, and then starts her new full time job on September 7.  

Way back in March I shared our Curriculum Picks for Sophomore Year.   That seems like a lifetime ago!  Thankfully, I made my picks and ordered items early. There seems to be a back order issue this year with some vendors as folks are being thrown unexpectedly into homeschooling due to the pandemic.  

Monday morning Lindsey had an orthodontist appointment.  The technician who changed her bands was super gentle and checked Lindsey's stitches and said everything looked really good.  The orthodontist himself was a bit rougher, and Lindsey had to get on him a bit.  She's getting better at advocating for herself.  I picked up Chick-fil-a for breakfast on the way home and we started our first day of sophomore year.  Lindsey has a lot more reading this year, so she spent a lot of time on the sofa with her books.   You can see that her cheeks are still a bit puffy.

Academics took a bit longer, partly because we got a later start, and partly because everything is new and we needed to figure some things out.  All in all it went well, although she was not a huge fan of the Rocket Language ASL.   

Tuesday morning I had a chiropractor appointment. Lindsey stayed home and got an early start on her day.  My right shoulder, right hip and lower back were all out (from my fall 2 weeks ago).  I felt so much better after getting everything put back in place.   Mid-afternoon, one of Lindsey's babysitting clients called, the moms back went out and she was unable to move, much less tend to the children.  Lindsey went to take care of everyone until the husband got off work.  She also went to jiu-jitsu class to observe, but was not allowed to do anything other than sit and watch.

We determined that the Rocket Language ASL was not going to be a good fit (something's don't take long to figure out), and we decided to move to Life Print instead.  This program will be a lot more involved and in depth, so I spent some time creating a work folder with printouts, schedules and checklists to help keep her on track.

Wednesday morning at 7:30am I dropped Lindsey off at the injured mom's house.  Her mother was driving in from PA to tend to the family the rest of the week, but Lindsey was needed to cover from the time dad went to work until grandma arrived.  I spent the morning weeding flower beds and gardening.  In the afternoon, Lindsey and I made the trek north to bring Olivia back home.  Schoolwork was completed in between all those events, and didn't actually get finished until a little after 5pm.

Thursday was a farm to farm day.  Olivia worked the afternoon shift at the horse farm and then went straight from there to the other farm to help get calves corralled and loaded onto the trailer for transport to the livestock sale on Friday morning.  Lindsey had an uninterrupted day at home and was finished with all her school work shortly after noon.  I made a run to the grocery store and worked on laundry.

Friday morning Olivia had to be at the horse farm at 5:30am.  She's filling in, in a different capacity, so she stayed all day through the afternoon feeding.  The husbands company furloughed employees again (not good), so he and I worked on finishing up a few outside projects.  We got the guardrail back in place on the basement stairwell, and worked on a few drainage issues.  We are supposed to get rains from the remnant of hurricane Laura tonight through Saturday, and wanted to be as prepared as possible.  Lindsey completed her first week of school.  She's really enjoying the new ASL class, and is doing really well with it.

I hope you all have a restful, safe and dry weekend.  


  1. You are so smart to drop a program that's not working right away... we always tend to suffer through for a bit before I finally concede that we need something different.

    1. I typcially try to push through as well, but I'm finally learning it's not worth the struggle.

  2. Yay for finding a better fitting ASL class. I hope your back is feeling better, that is not fun at all. Has the flooding/cleanup gone well so far? Is there a lot left to take care of at the moment?

    1. Our basement cleanup is done. I just need to replace the carpet, or get some throw rugs.

      Our downtown area flooded again this past Saturday, and we're under flood watch this weekend and the remnants of Hurrican Laura move through.

  3. We tend to abandon things that aren't working much faster than we used too. I need to find an advanced ASL program for Anne. It is becoming obvious that classes aren't going to return in person this year.
    Blessings, Dawn

  4. Chick fil a makes everything better. It is always my bribe for my little ones to be good during appointments!


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