
Friday, May 12, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up - Senior Portraits

Last week my BFF came out in the middle of the week to do Lindsey's senior portraits.  Olivia was off work, so the four of us got to goof off together.  Here are a few of my favorites.   The lamb she's holding is one that she had to pull and tend to on her own.  It was the third in a set of triplets, but was 5 hours behind the other two in birth.   

It was very breezy and cool on photo day.  Here are a few bloopers for your entertainment.

Lindsey has been away, house/dog sitting, since last week.  It's her first time being away from home alone for more than a night.  It's been a good experience for her.  She's had to work out her schedule to have time in the morning to care for the dog and still get to work on time.  Work is close by, so lunch breaks are spent tending the dog.  She figured out it was best to put lunch in the microwave, walk the dog and then eat before going back to work.  This is her last full week of PT, so she's had to keep up with those appointments on her own as well.  I assume her school work has been completed, I'll be checking that this weekend.  She's come home for dinner several evenings as well.

Graduation announcements went out in the mail this week.  June 3 is the "official" date.  I've ordered the cake and am planning the menu. 

In other news, Olivia picked up her foreign currency at the bank.  She leaves for England a week from Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting time! The pictures came out great and the bloopers are so much fun. Happy Graduation.
    Blessings, Dawn


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