
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Summer Schooling

We finished up our 2012-2013 school year in mid-May.    The girls have had a couple of weeks to let their brains unwind, and to give me time to get their summer work ready.   Before you go and accuse me of being too hard on them, they’ll only be doing less than an hour of “school work” each day.   Olivia ended up with 8 weeks of work to cover between June and August.  Lindsey will have 6 weeks of work to cover in that time frame.

Here’s what they’ll be doing.

Language Arts:  In addition to participating in several summer reading programs, both girls will be working through Summer Bridge Activities Books.  The particular ones I’m using are no longer in print, or at least I can’t find them on the Carson-Dellosa website.  This is another reason I love living in an area that has a book fair.  I bought these for $2.00 each back in the spring, knowing I’d need them for summer.

Olivia will be using the Summer Bridge Reading (4-5).  Lindsey will be using Summer Bridge Reading Activities (2-3).


Math:   Both girls will be working on books from the Blue Series of Math Mammoth

Olivia will spend her summer working through the U.S. Money book and also the Clock book.   Both of these are areas that were blatantly missing from her 4th grade curriculum.

Lindsey will be working through Add & Subtract 2B.  This will help her get used to the Math Mammoth way of teaching adding and subtracting before we start the new school year.

Piano:  Both girls will continue with their piano lessons and daily practices during the summer.

Camps:  Here’s where the rubber meets the road.  Seriously, I’ll be doing a lot of driving this summer.  Here are the summer extra curricular activities, in no particular order.

Olivia and Lindsey both received a scholarship to attend our local college for the Learning Can Be Fun program.  They will both be studying art for a week.

Both girls will be will be attending camp at the Frontier Culture Museum.  Olivia will be there from 9-4 each day working on one of the farms.  Lindsey will be attending from 9-12 each day.

Olivia will be attending a one week ballet intensive camp.  Unfortunately, by the time the ballet camp dates were announced Lindsey was already enrolled for basketball camp.

Journey Into History will round out the summers grandeur.

Of course, if you throw in swimming, picnicking, hiking, bubbles, playing with the dog, fishing, catching fireflies, roasting marshmallows, VBS and free summer concerts you’ll have an overall look at our next several months.

What does your summer schedule look like?

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