
Friday, June 28, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up–College and VBS

My goodness it’s hot and sticky here in Virginia this week.  We’ve had some really impressive thunderstorms all week.  On Tuesday we had a system move through that dropped 3 inches of rain in 20 minutes, with quarter sized hail and high winds!  

The girls have spent their week on the go (surprise).  During the day they have been attending art classes at our local community college. 

Lindsey has been studying 3-D art while using clay, model magic and paper mache.   Here is part of her work from the art show (she looks like it has been a rough week, huh?).


Olivia has been attending drawing classes.  She’s learned about shading, shadows, contrasting colors and drawing to scale.  Here is some of her work that was in the art show.


The evenings have been filled with Kingdom Chronicles, our local VBS.  VBS (vacation Bible school) is a huge endeavor in this area.  Some of the churches get really elaborate, and some are very basic, but kids love it!

I’m hosting a Well Planned Day planner give away.  If you haven’t entered yet, be sure and do so by going here.

I leave for Ethiopia tomorrow morning at 4:30am!!  I have some posts scheduled for next week, so be sure and stop by and give my blog some love.  

Have a great week!  I can’t wait to share about Ethiopia with you!

Linking up with the Weekly Wrap Up.

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