
Friday, June 14, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up–In the Pink

The first week of “summer school” has been a bit eye opening.  I knew that the curriculum I had been using was annoying to me, because I tend to be an over thinker.  After a week of switching to something else, I also see that my gut instinct was right about the lack of thinking it was requiring for both girls.  That of course means this week was a bit of a challenge as I evaluated where everyone is.  I may or may not have become the homeschooling mom from the dark side.

Then I switched over to being an ok mom. I took both girls to get haircuts.  I wasn’t overly thrilled with two out of the three cuts, but both girls loved their new hair.  In any event, we donated our hair to a good cause, and it will grow back.


Then I became the COOL mom.  I made their hair pink.  Before you send me any nasty messages, it’s not permanent, it washes out in one shampoo.  But it was fun and they thought I totally rocked.


My husband had a vacation day on Friday, so we headed over to the bowling alley to use our Kids Bowl Free tickets.  If you haven’t already signed up for Kids Bowl Free you NEED TO!

Now I’ll be the evil mom and post some seriously DORKY photos of my family.  (Insert evil laughter here, bwwwaahhaaaa!)







I hear the song “The Dad’s Life” every time I look at this photo.  “Crepe myrtle, ornamental…turtle”.


Olivia is actually pretty good at bowling.  She beat me this time!


I hope you all had a great week.  Enjoy time with your fathers and husbands this Father’s Day Weekend!

Linking up with the Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. LOL, love it! They are really working the pink. So cut!

  2. Looks fun. We did Kids Bowl free again this year and are having fun.


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