
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up–Ballet and Basketball

This week was the end of the girls “camp” experiences for the summer.  They have had a wonderful time learning about history and art at various venues.   This week the diversity of their personalities played out as they went their separate ways.

Olivia has spent her week in a ballet intensive class with Merle Sepel, director of Academy of Dance in California.  (Her studio is in California, the intensive was held here.)   This has been a wonderful opportunity for Olivia to work with such an accomplished dancer and instructor.


My preference would have been for Lindsey to have participated in the ballet intensive as well.  However her love of basketball won out over her interest in ballet, so she spent the week in a 3 hour a day basketball camp.  Poor little thing doesn’t realize that her height (or lack there of) is a great disadvantage for basketball.

The girls have been reading like wild all summer.  Our local library has been dishing out prizes hand over fist to these two gals.  We have one more week in the official reading program, and then the big prizes will be awarded.

Other than reading and camp, we’ve been pretty low key here.  We’ve spend out evenings at the free outdoor concerts at the park, chased lightning bugs, rode bikes and played with the dog.

How has your week been?

Linking up with the Weekly Wrap Up.

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