
Friday, August 23, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up–Week One, A Success



It’s here, the long awaited “first week of school”, and it was a very successful week!   Thankfully the printer returned from the great beyond and I was able to print off our math work by midweek.

I’m so glad I decided to go back to doing all of our subjects together (excluding math).   I have been able to focus attention equally on each child, and on one subject at a time.  I can see a huge change in Lindsey already.

Bible:  I’m surprised that the first week of this particular Bible curriculum is so….weak.  I’m hoping the following lessons are meatier, but at least the girls memorized their new verse.

History:  We started a unit study on early explorers.  We briefly revisited out Vikings Unit Study and then moved on to more tame explorer's.  The girls have really taken to Marco Polo.  We’re all enjoying our read aloud time as we use living books for the majority of our history work.

Language Arts:   I’m LOVING the Junior Analytical Grammar.  We’ve focused on nouns this week and had our first test.  Both girls did really well .  Being on the same subject and being able to work together verbally during review time has been a HUGE plus.

Spelling:  Ditto for the verbal work.  In the past Lindsey has been very frustrated with spelling, mostly because of the copying and having to study on her own.  Oral drills each day only takes a few minutes, but the rewards are already visible.


Lindsey had her first exposure to Roman numerals.  By exposure I mean on day 1 she was shown the numbers and then was thrown head long into adding/subtracting and writing the correct corresponding Roman number.  She was really intimidated at first but got the hand of it really quickly.

Olivia is still in review lessons, working mostly with order of operations and equations.

I hope you had a great week too! 

Linking up with the Weekly Wrap Up.

1 comment:

  1. might have to check out the viking unit study later in September! Thanks for the link.

    visiting from WUHS


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