
Friday, September 20, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up– Week 5

It’s hard to believe we’ve been hitting the books for 5 weeks already!  Only two more to go before our first break! 

Fall seemed to arrive this week.  Temperatures have dropped into the 40’s at night and 60’s during the day.  I’ve seen a few traces of color changes in the leaves.  The garden flags have been changed over to a fall theme and we even made pumpkin cookies.   If only I’d taken a photo to go with all that!

Math:   Both girls finished their first chapter and tests in their Math Mammoth work.  I’m seeing quick improvements with Lindsey since I added math fact songs on CD for her to practice with.   Funny thing, she memorizes the multiplication tables much easier than the addition families.  Go figure.

Language Arts:  We focused on subject/verb diagramming this week.  We are still using Jr. Analytical Grammar, but I also added some extra diagramming from Christian Light Education.   This has really helped both girls to get a better understanding of the process.

History:  Ponce de Leon and Balboa were our featured explorers this week.  Read aloud time has become a favorite part of our day.  Why didn’t I do this sooner?

Our monthly Activity Day resumed on Thursday of this week.   Olivia is taking a 2  hour art class.  Lindsey has a 30 minute P.E., and then an hour and a half in a nature study class.  After ballet and dinner, we took the girls to a local church to see the Power Team.  A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

Today (Friday) was back to co-op, more ballet.   I’m just plain tired!

Linking up with the Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. I've been playing around with Math Mammoth, lately. We've used Horizon for the last couple years but we're reviewing MM. So far its not too bad.

  2. On of our friends is a Power Team member. They are incredible guys (and gals)!

  3. We have a little taste of fall here in Texas - we hit a low of 62 last night. I hope it sticks.


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