
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Early Explorer’s Unit Study– Part 2

The second portion of our Explorer’s Unit Study covers Ponce De Leon through Sir Walter Raleigh.   As with Part 1 of our study, we did a considerable amount of reading, and our reading resources are listed below.

We didn’t do as many hands on activities with part 2 of this unit.  The reasoning being we focused more time on individualized reading and read aloud time.

We finished up our explorer’s notebooks. 

Fall 2013 055

We also completed color coded maps of travel routes of various explorer’s .

Fall 2013 053

Fall 2013 054

The majority of our printable resources came from the Explorer Unit Study from Homeschool Share.

Library Resource List:

Explorer’s of the World, Spanish Explorers; DVD Schlessinger Media
Ponce de Leon and the Discovery of Florida; by Sandra Wallus Sammons
Juan Ponce de Leon and the Search for the Fountain of Youth; by Dan Harmon
Juan Ponce de Leon; by Marc Tyler Nobleman
Vasco Nunez de Balboa and the Discovery of the South Sea; by Hal Marcovitz
Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Explorer of the Pacific Ocean; by Arlene Bourgeois Molzahn
Explorer’s of the World, Ferdinand Magellan; DVD Schlessinger Media
Ferdinand Magellan; by Mervyn D. Kaufman
Ferdinand Magellan and the First Voyage Around the World; by Jim Gallagher
Ferdinand Magellan, First to Sail Around the World; by Milton Meltzer
The Travels of Hernan Cortes; by Debbie Crisfield
Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Explores the Southwest; by Robin S. Doak
The Travels of Francisco de Coronado; by Deborah Crisfield
Franciso Coronado and the Exploration of the American Southwest; by Hal Marcovitz
Exploring the New World, An Interactive History Adventure; by Melody Herr
You Wouldn’t Want to Explore with Sir Frances Drake, A Pirate You’d Rather Not Know; by David Stewart
Sir Francis Drake and the Foundation of a World Empire; by Jim Gallagher
Sir Francis Drake, His Daring Deeds; by Roy Gerard
The Sea King, Sir Frances Drake and His Times; by Albert Marrin
Sir Walter Raleigh and the Quest for El Dorado; by Marc Aronson
Sir Walter Raleigh, Founding the Virginia Colony; by Nancy Ward


  1. After seeing the ships from Unit 1 my daughter had to make one herself. We found the kit in the craft room. We think it was a Christmas present from a couple of years ago. Lots of fun.

    1. I still have a couple of covered wagon kits hiding in my craft closet from years ago. I'll be putting those to use in our pioneer unit coming up in a few months.

  2. I love the reading part, almost as much as the hands on part of the lessons. Thanks for sharing your resource list! It is always great to see what books and dvds you read for your lessons!

  3. I have tried leaving a comment twice now and google is not being friendly with me. :) I love that you shared what resources you have used! I think it is important to read several books about a lesson, almost as much as doing a project or activity. :)

    1. Commenting on both of my blogs has been weird lately. I changed it to make it easier, and now I get SPAM like wild. There is no happy medium.

  4. It really is a great list of resources you collected.


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