
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up–The Cold One

Brrrr!   Our temperatures plummeted this week.   Nighttime temps were in the 20’s and daytime temps were in the 30’s and we even got SNOW!   Ok, we had flurries…but it was in fact snow.   Although some parts of our state did get a ground covering.   We built our first official fire of the year and are all snug and warm.  This huge pile of wood is a lovely sight on cold mornings.  Although, it is now stacked in our lovely wood shed, much to the dismay of the children and the dog.


School has gone well.   We finished up Unit 9 in grammar, and our 9th spelling list.   Both girls are remaining consistent with their grades.

Our history focus this week was on some of the key people of the Jamestown settlement.  We focused on John Smith, Christopher Newport and Lord De La Warr.  Next week we study the Indians!

Olivia has been working with decimals in math.  She’s good with decimals, but when they ask her to convert grams/kilograms, meters/centimeters and liters/milliliters using decimals it gets a bit hairy, but she’s making progress.

Lindsey is learning her multiplication tables, and is working on more word problems.   Both seem to be going relatively well.   I’ve found with both girls that if I sit with them and explain what’s going on (it’s supposed to be a student taught work text) things go MUCH more smoothly and take a lot less time overall.

This was a  shortened balled week, WOOHOOO!!   Both ballet instructors are at Disney this weekend doing some type of training so we had Friday and Saturday with no ballet.  Even the girls enjoyed the little break.

Co-op is frustrating.  I have 9 students, 4 of whom turn in their assignments and keep up with their reading (it’s a literature class).  Emailing parents doesn’t seem to do any good, so I’m resorting to sending notes to the parents.  I’m so disappointed, and again I ask myself “Why did I join a co-op?”

Linking up with the Weekly Wrap Up!


  1. Sounds like a nice week. The co-op thing would bug me to. Why would parents bother signing their kids up if they didn't expect them to do the work involved?


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