
Friday, October 4, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up–Week 7

This post may contain affiliate links.

We have officially completed our first 7 weeks of school.  Which means we’ve completed our first unity study of the year.  You can check our our Early Explorer’s Part 1, and Early Explorer’s Part 2 units by clicking on the highlighted area.

We have also been spending as much time as possible outdoors, Exploring Fall.  I laughed pretty hard when the girls stirred up a small snake as we walked back home one morning.  The poor snake was just trying to get out of their way, and they were screaming and jumping around so much that a man came running out of his garage to make sure they were ok, very nice of him.   I guess laughing wasn’t helpful, but they were a sight!  I’m feeling the urge to make a totally non-age appropriate fall craft with the girls.  I may have to make that happen during our week off next week.  Grins.

Fall 2013 047

Our lessons have gone well this week.   Both girls scored really well on their Jr. Analytical Grammar tests and spelling tests.   Lindsey finished up Chapter 2 in math and is moving on to multiplication tables.  Olivia finished up Chapter 2 and moved on to decimals this week.

Since this week was the first Friday of the month, we didn’t have co-op, woohoo!   I really hate losing that day each week, still trying to decide if it’s something I want to continue with next year.

There are some really good fall homeschool sales going on right now.  A Journey Through Learning is having a 40% off sale, and it’s a great time to stock up and be ready for the cold winter months.  Also if you’re still looking for an excellent homeschool planner, the Well Planned Day Planner is currently on sale for 40% off as well.  Just use coupon code NEVERTOOLATE at checkout.

We’ll be having a low key weekend at home (except for ballet).  Followed by our first official week long break of the year! 

Linking up with the Weekly Wrap Up!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    stopping in from Weird Unsocialized Weekly Wrap-up.
    Yeah! for your girls scoring high on their tests. :)
    Homeschool co-ops great and troublesome aren't they? They provide a respite from day to day school work and give the kids time with other kids, but they also interrupt the flow of routine.
    Your fall trees are gorgeous!


Thank you for stopping by!