
Friday, November 1, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up– Hello November!

Wow, another month has gone flying by, and we’re sneaking up on the holidays!   November is here and it’s time to start thinking about the Thanksgiving menu.

We thoroughly enjoyed our last week of October. We finished up the first half of our Early Settlements Unit as we learned about Jamestown and the famous folks of that time. We even made a little miniature Jamestown using a paper plate, construction paper and toothpicks.


The leaves are changing here, but they are hanging onto the trees for dear life.   The girls have had some success in raking, but there’s much work to be done yet, as you can see from this next photo.


Thursday we used the girls first Book It! coupons for the year.  They had a lovely free lunch and I was able to snag a sub from Jimmy John’s for only $1, SCORE!   It was a lovely, inexpensive lunch for us!   Then we came home and made popcorn balls.



On Friday the girls had spelling tests and we wrapped up our 10th unit in Jr. Analytical Grammar.  Only one more to go and we’re finished with this program for the year.    Since this was the first Friday of the month, there was no co-op today.   Olivia did however have ballet and youth group.

I hope everyone had a wonderful week.  Be sure to visit the Weekly Wrap Up and read/share.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the Jamestown project - that looks fun! I loved doing Book-It when I was a kid - I'll have to see if they have it here in Quebec.


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