
Saturday, January 22, 2022

Weekly Wrap Up - Snowy and Cold

The weekend did in fact bring the snowstorm that had been forecast.  The poor weather folks tend to miss it so often, I was really quite surprised to see this one materialize.  Saturday was normal, early Sunday morning was normal.  Olivia made it to and from the 5am feeding without issue.  At about 10:15am the first snowflakes started to fall here.  Olivia's weekend employer texted and said not to try to come back for the afternoon feeding, they'd do it themselves.  This ended up being a great plan as the snow came down fast and hard all day before changing over to ice around 8pm.  By the time it was all said and done, we had between 8-10 inches of snow and ice on the ground.

Monday morning, we were all up early to shovel.  Olivia's work scheduled had changed for the week, so she was off, and all the schools were closed (and a lot of businesses) so Lindsey didn't have to go babysit anyone.  We worked for quite a while getting our elderly neighbor's driveway cleared, then ours and the cars we have parked on the street.  The snow plow didn't come to open our road until around noon.  Tom left at 1pm and was able to get to work, but less than 20 people showed up so there weren't enough people to keep things going and they were all sent home early.

Tuesday Olivia was till off work, but Lindsey had to go in.  She was up early and got a great deal of her school work done before heading out.   The girls had jiu-jitsu in the evening.

Wednesday was back to life as normal for all of us, everyone went to work without incident.  Our local schools were still closed, and a lot of business were as well.  For some reason, getting snow plows to come out has been a major issue this year.   Our church didn't get their parking lot plowed until mid-day today, and it was still very patchy so I cancelled my Wednesday night class just to be on the safe side.

Thursday morning was a repeat of Wednesday.  Everyone got to work without incident, and I went to get groceries.  We had heavy "snow fog" move in around 9am, but thankfully it warmed up and didn't freeze on anything.  The rest of the day was house work, reading and drinking tea by the fire.  Jiu-jitsu wrapped up the evening.

Friday Lindsey was off from work, but Olivia had to work.  Lindsey ended up with tests in three subjects, so the day went much quicker for her than usual.  Both girls went to play volleyball in the evening.  The ice and snow are still piled everywhere, and with temperatures over night falling into the single digits, it doesn't look like much chance of a change anytime soon.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Wow! I can't believe it took that long for most roads/ driveways to get plowed. I wonder why there is such a struggle this year?

    1. I have no idea! What wasn't plowed has turned into solid ice since our temperatures have been in the single digits and below since the snow fell. It's just odd to me.


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