
Friday, March 3, 2023

Weekly Wrap Up - Goodbye February, Hello March

Our homeschool journey is creeping to a halt.  Truly, there's not a lot to report these days.  Lindsey is pretty independent in her studies.   As of this week, she's finished all of her subjects for the year with the exception of her Language Arts.

Having said that, my Weekly Wrap Ups will be likely moving to every other week, or less, depending on the excitement level of things.  I know I'll have some posts coming in May and June for bigger things like graduation.

Our new dryer was delivered this week. I've got a buddy coming on Saturday morning to hook it up.  Lindsey's currently working 5 days a week at the museum in a push to get costumes finished for MTA.  Olivia is working hard, teaching jiu-jitsu and living life.
Have a great weekend!  Chat with you soon!

1 comment:

  1. We have been doing a unit study on parties. We have planned a garden party for June and a summer fair in May as well.
    I also am in the end stages of planning a late summer barbecue type event as well.


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