
Friday, January 29, 2021

Weekly Wrap Up - New Hair

Monday, Lindsey was up early to work on herschool work before heading out to get her hair done.  The first photo is before, brown with some added highlights.  The second photo is the after, with a deep burgundy.  The lighting on the camera didn't pick up the color very well, but it's a deep, rich color.

Lindsey really doesn't have a long nose, but it always looks so big in photos.  It must be the lighting or the angle, but it's bizarre to me.  You can also see where wearing a mask for several hours at the salon rubbed her face.  

Tuesday morning Lindsey was up early again to work on her school work and be at her nanny job from 8am-5:30pm.  Olivia and I worked on laundry and house work.  She also spent a great deal of time working on her German lessons.  There was no jiu-jitsu this week, because last week someone who was at class on Tuesday, woke up with symptoms on Wednesday, and then tested positive for the virus. Class will resume next week.

Wednesday was a regular day at home.  School work went well, there was a lot of reading going on.  I spent a big portion of my day looking into curriculum for our upcoming junior year.  I want to add a fine arts class of some sort, but Lindsey doesn't care for art (it's not her gifted area).  Do you have any good suggestions for an art appreciation or other type of class that would expose her to some of the great artists and pieces of art without the torture of having to paint/draw etc?

Thursday was a busy day.  Lindsey had got up early to work on her lessons (afternoon sitting scheduled), but then got a text from her nanny job asking if she could come for a few hours.  She ended up there from 8:45 until noon.  She headed out to her scheduled job from 1:30-4:30.  Olivia found a really interesting summer internship (in Idaho) that we're pursuing. More on that later, if it pans out.  After dinner, I dropped Olivia off at an event at church and then I did my grocery shopping while I was on that side of town. The stores were really empty, so that was a plus, but the parking lots are a bit creepy.

Friday is a regular school day.  We'll be cleaning house and doing laundry and getting ready for the weekend.  Our weather forecast is saying 8-12 inches of snow, so I'm wanting to make sure I've got everything done outside (wood chopped and the wood box filled and easily accessible).

I shared a mid year curriculum overview on the blog earlier this week.  Be sure to check that out if you missed it.

Have a great weekend!
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  1. I love her hair. My oldest daughter dyed the underside of her hair the same color (maybe a bit more pink in it). It's gorgeous. The internship sounds interesting - hope it pans out so we can hear about it!

  2. I love the new hair!!! It looks soo good!! We got about 14.5 in of snow last is a pain to deal with!


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