
Friday, February 5, 2021

Weekly Wrap Up - Hello February

Sunday, we had our first significant snow of the winter.  The snow started around 1am in our area.  By 5am, we had several inches already on the ground.  Olivia's boss texted and told us to stay home, she didn't want to us on the road, as it was very cold and slick.  We all got some extra sleep, and it was lovely. I made Belgian waffles for breakfast for everyone for brunch.   The afternoon shift was also cancelled by the employer, and Olivia's 3pm job also told her to stay home.  This is the great thing about having people living on site, they can cover the shifts during bad weather and not risk employees being on the road.

I tried a new recipe for Chocolate Pudding Cake for an evening dessert/treat.  I found the recipe at The Prairie Homestead, and we really enjoyed it. I don't know what it is about snowy weather that makes baking seem necessary.  This will definitely go into the keeper recipe file.

Monday was a pretty typical school day.  All of our local schools were closed, including the "virtual" classes.  Lindsey was done before noon and we binge watched Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman on the Roku.    Olivia and I spent much of the day working on an introductory video and online application for an internship she's applying for.

I pulled out my only Valentine's Day decoration and put it up in the sun porch.  Isn't my gnome cute?  

Tuesday was Lindsey's long nanny day.  However, the family all started feeling bad on Monday and decided it best not to have her come watch the kids, just in case.  She was able to stay home, out of the frozen snow clad world that is our city.  I traveled out to see my brother for a bit.  The roads were pretty decent, with an occasional icy patch where tall trees block the sunlight.  Jiu-jitsu classes were back in session in the evening.

Wednesday was pretty typical.  Olivia spent much of her day working on German.  Lindsey was somehow finished with her school work by about 10:30am.   Olivia has several youth group meetings back to back, starting at 5pm. She's been an intern, working towards being a youth leader for the last 3 years.  The meetings were a bit, "eye opening", in a few ways she wasn't expecting.  She's decided to step away from that commitment and focus her energies elsewhere.

Thursday morning we were up and at farm #1 in frozen predawn hours.  The temperature was 19 when we returned home.  Lindsey was up starting school when we returned around 7am.  Olivia went back to bed and I chugged a cup of coffee in hopes of getting some motivation.  It was not a successful endeavor, however I went back out to do the grocery shopping after the stores opened at 8.  We made a trip back to the farm for the afternoon feeding.  I then dropped Olivia off at farm #3 for a few hours in the afternoon.   Her dad picked her up on the way home, so it cut out a bit of running for me.

Friday morning was a bit warmer when we got up, low 30's.  The change in temperature seemed to cause a change in temperament in a couple of horses.  Olivia was not amused when she finally made the trek back up to the top of the hill from the barn.   Lindsey had already started school when we got back home.   The morning was pretty low key. I'm greatly lacking in motivation these days.  We'll hit the afternoon shift at the barn, then run by the library to pick up the movie "Titanic" for our weekend watching. 

Have a great weekend!
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  1. I always find that snowy weather makes me want to bake too! I've been fighting the urge to make cookies all week. Your cake looks delicious.

  2. My kids and I love watching Dr. Quinn! I watched it as a kid and when we found the discs at the library I was so excited! That cake looks delicious. I'm glad we live in Louisiana where we don't get much snow.

  3. We love Dr. Quinn. We are getting lots of snow least that is what is predicted.
    Blessings, Dawn

  4. I love baking when it snows! I also love Dr. Quinn and can't wait to share it with my kids!


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