
Friday, March 11, 2022

Weekly Wrap Up - Starting to Wrap Up

This week has been pretty standard.  Monday, Olivia and I went to the afternoon matinee of the movie Dog.  We really enjoyed it, and it gave us great opportunity for conversation about the physical and mental toll the military takes on you.   I also posted a Baked Oatmeal recipe you might want to take a look at.

The rest of the week was pretty standard.  Olivia picked up an extra dog sitting gig, and a couple of extra shifts at the horse farm.  Lindsey had her regular work week, with the exception of not having the baby on Friday.

Lindsey finished up her American Literature class for the year.  It's officially that time where things start winding down, and she's excited to be bringing this year to a close.  What kid isn't?  

The weekend is looking interesting.  After 60-70 degree days all this week, we've got a Nor'easter coming in tomorrow and are supposed to be back in the single digits with high winds, snow and ice.  Oh the joy!!

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. We've got our woodstove cranking today; while we don't have the mix of weather you're supposed to be getting we are having heavy rains and it's supposed to drop into the teens tonight.


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