
Saturday, March 26, 2022

Weekly Wrap Up - Life and Things

Last week was pretty standard here.   Pi day passed without pie, St. Patrick's Day passed without Irish food, and the world went right on turning.   One of the kids Lindsey babysits for broke his arm last week (on his mom's watch). She's had one less child to watch until they get a hard cast on it.  I can't understand this new thing in the medical community of waiting weeks to get broken limbs in a hard cast, especially a two-year-old with two broken bones.

Olivia pulled double duty over the weekend at the horse farms.  She ended up pulling 12-hour days between the two farms.  Lindsey's dress maker form finally arrived so she's  been working on her 1820's dress again.  She got the hooks on the front and cinched up the waist. 

I've been working in my flower gardens getting everything ready for spring.  Tom is replacing some of the 14 year old landscaping timbers that border the gardens.  

Monday was typical.  Olivia was off work, so she went riding for a few hours.  She's preparing for her first horse show in July and is really making great progress.  I spent the day working on laundry and moving books and a bookshelf from the sunporch to the basement.

Tuesday was an exciting day.  Olivia had an all day working interview with a local equine veterinarian.  She worked from 8am-4:30pm with a great deal of traveling.  She learned how to operate the x-ray machine and several other interesting procedures.  There were three interviews schedule, Olivia being the first of the three.  She should hear back by next week.   Lindsey had a regular school and work day.  Jiu-jitsu wrapped up the evening for everyone.

Wednesday was the start of a 6 day straight work schedule for Olivia (horse show season is here).  Lindsey's little guy with the broken arm was back, and still no cast more than a week after the injury.  She was a little nervous about the other 2 year old potentially hitting the arm in play, but things went smoothly.

Thursday was pretty standard.  Both kids were off to work, then Tom got called in early and ended up working 12 hours.  I did the grocery shopping, bill paying and laundry.  Jiu-jitsu wrapped up our evening.

Friday, Lindsey had her little guy here at the house.  This is the happiest baby I've ever seen.  He laughs and giggles all the time, and just brings so much joy to the house.   Yvette and I went out to a local European pastry shop for a late morning treat.  The pastries were so very rich, and not super sugary like the American pastries.  The rest of the day was busy with projects around the house.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Sounds like our weeks right now without horses and broken arms. Just lots of work. We also missed St. Patrick's day and Pi day this year.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. I hope Olivia gets the job! That sounds exciting. I do remember when my son broke his arm the ER refused to cast it and when I called the orthopedic the next morning they told me they'd get back to me within two week. I told her that was no good as in kids 2 weeks is nearly 1/2 the healing time. I called our doctor and implored her to step in; we were lucky to get an appointment that same afternoon and he had his cast put on but I was just amazed at the lazy no rush attitude. There was no way on earth I was letting them rebreak his arm if started to heal improperly.


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