
Friday, April 1, 2022

Weekly Wrap Up - Spring Cleaning Fresh and New

Monday I started the spring cleaning.  The sun porch was my target for the day. I bought new room darkening curtains for all the windows.  I like having the windows uncovered all the time to let light in, but we've started having a lot of undesirables roaming about the neighborhood, so now we'll have the curtains closed after dark.

I brought out the spring pillow covers, and added some little old lady looking doilies to the coffee table and end tables.  It goes with the cottage look we've got going on.

My friend Yvette gave me these cute little gnomes and mushrooms, and the rabbit was a gift from Lindsey last year.

We've also upgraded the dog to a large apartment of his own.  This upgrade is also due to some unfortunate changes in the neighborhood that's causing him to spend more time indoors.  This way he has a luxury size crate that's WAY too big for him.  We're hoping the larger size and more visibility will help him be less anxious when he's crated.

Lindsey finished up school before she left for work.  Both girls were out the door around 7:30am.  Lindsey's day was much shorter than Olivia's.  Apparently returning from horse shoes, and having a two day turn around before heading back out of state makes for long hours.

The evening took an unexpected turn, with Shalom ending up with a trip to the emergency vet office.  It appears he tore his ACL, which may require surgery.  It was a long and expensive evening.  They gave him a pain shot before we headed home, and he was so groggy he didn't even notice his new deluxe crate when he went in.  I was up several times throughout the night to check on the poor guy.

Tuesday morning Lindsey finished her American History for the year.  History is her least favorite subject, so she's glad to have this one behind her.  The photo below is Olivia before leaving for work.

The pain injection they gave him on Monday night lasted until about 5:30pm Tuesday evening.  The poor thing did nothing but sleep all day.  He sat up once and then fell back over like a lump.  Lindsey was the first kid home and she ended up in the crate too.  After about 30 minutes of coaxing, she finally got Shalom to gimp outside to go potty, and he came back in and ate and took his pain meds.  I was starting to get a bit worried with him having slept so long, so I was certainly glad to see him eat.  He promptly went back to bed where he remained for the rest of the evening.  
Wednesday was pretty standard with school and work. I had a funeral in the evening.  The dog was less groggy and continues to improve, but his leg is still not weight bearing.  He seems to like his new crate, but he's just not used to being inside other than at night, and he misses trailing squirrels and laying in the warm sun.  We take turns taking him out to get some fresh air and sunshine.  My spring cleaning is dead in the water until I get the dog a little more stable.

Thursday everyone was out the door early for work.  I headed to the grocery store in an endeavor to get ahead of the severe weather we were supposed to have later in the day.  After I returned, the dog spent much of his day sitting on the floor by my side.  We were under wind warning most of the day, and severe thunderstorm watch as well.  The wind was wild, but the storms didn't materialize, although we did get a nice soaking rain around 7:30 pm.  The girls had jiu-jitsu in the evening.

Friday morning, in addition to the standard school and work, the baby arrived at 8:15am, then we had chiropractor appointments at 9.  Late-morning, Lindsey and I went to the garage to get the oil changed in her car and to get our mechanic to give it a good once over, just to make sure he didn't spot anything I'd missed.  He said it looked great, so we're happy with that.

Great news!  Olivia was offered the equine veterinary assistant job she interviewed for last week.  She'll start working there the week of April 11.  If things go well, the plan is to give up the weekend job she's had for the last 2.5 years and get her weekends back.  

I think that's about all for the week.  Have a great weekend!


  1. I hope your sweet dog recovers without needing surgery. It is hard to see our animals suffer. Congrats on the job for Olivia.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Aw, hoping your poor doggy is feeling better soon. Congrats to Olivia for getting the jog; that's wonderful!


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