
Monday, April 27, 2009

Welcome to WeE! Books (Review)

Many of us are busy and despite our longing to read, we just don't have the time to plod through long books anymore.  But we love to read, and The Old School House has solved our problem!  Welcome the WeE-Book!  These are short (usually less than 20 pages) e-books that you can download and read in one sitting.  Don't let the size of the book fool you, they are chocked full of valuable information!   Here is a little appetizer for you.

"Are Parents Really Necessary? A Guide to Preschool Education"
by Amelia Harper

From the time our children enter the world, we begin to teach them life skills such as what to eat (what NOT to eat) when to sleep (we hope) and how to communicate.  As they get older we teach them how to walk, put on their socks and shoes and that ketchup and ice cream really aren't a good match.  Then suddenly they turn three and we are no longer capable of teaching any longer...or so we're led to believe.

Amelia Harper tackles this topic head on in her enlightening WeE-Book "Are Parents Really Necessary? A Guide to Preschool Education".  The author debunks common myths about he abilities and responsibilities of parents in the teaching and training of their young children.  Harper exposes the agenda of the National Education Association (NEA) in pushing for earlier public education for our three, four and five year olds.

The author includes information on what she considers the "Ten Important Educational Activities for Preschoolers"; and then goes a step farther by including printable worksheets for parents to use with their children in these 10 areas.

The information containted in "Are Parents Really Necessary? A Guide to Preschool Education" is a wonderful stepping stone for parents who are wanting to home school, but just aren't convinced that they are capable.  Unsupportive grandparents and family members may also benefit from the information packed into this liberating little book.

"Easy Fund-Raisers for Homeschool Organizations"
by Carol Topp

Is your homeschool co-op struggling to make ends meet and cover the cost of existing?  If so, Carol Topp has written a WeE-Book just for you!  "Easy Fund-Raisers for Homeschool Organizations" offers creative and lucrative ideas that can be applied in most home school group settings.  No room to store boxes of citrus fruit and candles after a sale?  Not to worry, Topp offers suggestions on fundraisers that require no selling, delivering or storing of products.  An added bonus is that Topp, a Certified Public Accountant also includes important tax information to keep everyone, including the IRS happy!

"Beating the Summertime Blues"
by Kim Kautzer

"Mom, I'm", you get the picture.  Multiply that picture by the number of kids you have and summer "vacation" can quickly turn into the longest three months of any mothers life!  In this creative and humorous WeE-Book, " Beating the Summertime Blues", Kim Kautzer offers simple and doable boredom busters.  Rising temperatures can often lead to rising tempers and the author gives a good selection of inside acitivies that can help keep everyone calm, cool and collected (even mom).

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