
Friday, January 22, 2010

Cattle Rustler’s Beware!

My father-in-law is an avid western movie watcher.  A great deal of the time that he was here was spent watching videos from the library.    The kids picked up a great deal of information from the westerns (and I'm not a bit happy about some of that info...but I digress.  Suffice it to say, dear husband, I told you so.)

There were several shoot outs in our living room.  There were various Indian attacks and a few cattle rustlers attempted to run off with the My Little Pony herd.    In true western style the girls defended what was theirs.

At least, I can say they look somewhat mournful in this next photo as they look down at the dead rustler they "shot".

Yeah, and in case you're wondering about the guns...ehem.  Lindsey wanted a "Cowgirl" birthday party back in September.  Both girls received a set of cap gun pistols then (not from us).  At Christmas the same gift giver purchased these lovely bolt action guns, with honest to goodness plastic shells that will eject from the side of the gun.

My father-in-law did point out that the girls are very diverse in their interests.  Yeah, that makes me feel MUCH better.

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