
Friday, March 26, 2010

Signs of Spring

We have had glorious weather this week. The temperatures have been in the 70's, which is extremely warm for March in this area. Although, today has been raining and cold, and we are supposed to drop by into the 20's overnight!

Lindsey and I had an opportunity to spend some one on one time this week. Olivia had ballet practice and Lindsey said she wanted to do something "special". Not sure if this is what she had in mind or not. We walked over to our city park and roamed around for a while and checked out the lovely sights and smells.

Isn't this pink dogwood lovely?

Lindsey loved smelling all the blooms as we went along. Thankfullys, she doesn't have allergies like her sister!

Can't you almost smell this next one??

This next photo is pretty interesting. Yes, that IS a full size duck...and a real fish.

As usual, by the time we were finished our trip, we had a new little boy to add to the collections of admirers.

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