
Friday, March 14, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up–Spring! or Not…

This was a scheduled break week for us.  I had lofty expectations of getting a lot done, but some of the bigger items got pushed to the back burner because of the amazing weather!

Monday and Tuesday we had temperatures in the mid 70’s.  Monday we went outside and worked in the flower beds.  We ended up with 5 big black trash bags full of debris.  It was too much to put into the compost bin, so we opted to send it to the landfill instead. 

Tuesday we moved to the vegetable gardens.  I took compost from our compost bins and worked it into the ground along with the ashes from our woodstove.   Yum…black gold!


The girls had a great time catching worms for fishing bait.


I opened up the windows and aired the house out.  Fresh air after the long winter was very much welcome!


We changed the garden flags, taking down the “Let It Snow” flags and putting up our lovely spring flags.


My crocuses started to bloom too!


Wednesday was very windy…like tornado type windy.   I worked on indoor projects while the kids played with Legos. 

Thursday we woke up to a temperature of 4 degrees.  Yes, FOUR.   We rebuilt the fire in the woodstove and I started on some of those smaller indoor tasks.   I fleshed out our next 6 weeks of school work, finished up a few pressing deadlines and even got a jump start on next month!


This is the last week of basketball and cheerleading.  Lindsey had her first injury of the year on the last night of practice.  We’re hoping it’s just a bruised knee-cap and not a cracked one.  Waiting for the swelling to go down some to know for sure.   This is an issue for several reasons.  One of which being this is Performance Awards (now International Dance Acclaim) weekend at ballet. 

Friday was errand day.  A visit to the chiropractor, grocery outlet and the library.  (We took the day off from co-op).   The girls are scheduled to dance at 6:30 tonight, so I’ll let you know how that goes in a post next week.

Linking up with the Weekly Wrap Up and Collage Friday.

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  1. Love the weather funny! We've gone from seventy to the upper twenties all in the past four days.

    1. The weather comic was a scream...and just as appropriate this week as last. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. We did the same thing with 70's one day and snow the next. It is supposed to happen again this weekend. But his isn't all that crazy for Missouri, happens more often than you'd think.

    1. Well at least Virginia isn't alone in the craziness of this winter! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Were I am we have three bins: Garbage(small), recycling(medium) and yard waste(large). Garbage get picked up weekly and the other two alternate weeks. The yard waste becomes bark mulch or compost that we can go buy from the landfill.

    1. I wish our city had the yard waste pickup to become mulch. What a great idea!


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