
Monday, July 14, 2014

Our Schedule for 2014-2015

Yes, the planner in me MUST have some sort of game plan in mind.  It’s just makes me feel better to have a schedule in place, even if we stray from it on occasion.

Our overall schedule is a 6 weeks on, 1 week off.  I looked at where I wanted us to end for the holidays and counted backwards to find our starting date of August 18.  By the time we break for Thanksgiving, we’ll have completed 12 weeks of our school year.

Bible, language arts, Latin and math will take place Monday – Friday.  Monday and Wednesdays will be science days, with Tuesday and Thursday being history days.   Friday will be art and poetry and tea time.

This is where the planning gets a bit sketchy for me.  We’ve typically done all of our lessons other than math together.  That has worked well for us, but since Olivia is “middle school” this year, I want to focus on getting her more independent and also not always be expecting Lindsey to keep up with a 2 grade level gap.   You can see my curriculum choices here, although Latin was not included when I originally wrote that article.


Olivia Lindsey
9:00am Bible Bible
9:15am LLATL/Writing Writing/LLATL
10:00am Math Math
11:00 am Latin Latin
noon Lunch Lunch
1:00-3:00pm Science/History Science/History
3-until Free Time Free Time

I’ll adjust the schedule once we get into it and see how things flow.   I want to allow for those bigger chunks of time for science and history so we can get more in depth in those to areas.   I’ve always tried to have all of our school work done by lunch time, but I feel like I’m rushing the kids too much and I want to focus more on the learning than the checking it off the things to do list this year.

Extra Curricular:

Awana:  Olivia finished up the Awana program at church last year.   Lindsey could go for 2 more years, but has decided she’d rather attend church with the family at our new church.  This will be the first time in 8 years that we aren’t participating in Awana!

Ballet:  Both girls are moving to three nights a week in ballet.   They are in different classes/levels so this means we’ll be at ballet  every evening Monday through Friday.   My goal is to drop them off at ballet and spend that 1 hour each day walking.

Piano:  Lindsey will continue with her weekly piano lessons and Olivia will continue with her DVD piano lessons.

Activity Day:  We will continue to attend this once a month event. 

This is the general, rough plan for our year.  I’m sure it’ll be adjusted more than once, but at least I have some sense of where we are headed, and at what time!

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1 comment:

  1. I like your schedule! We too start on the 18th. Looking forward to getting back 8th the school year.


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