
Friday, May 29, 2020

Weekly Wrap Up - Stay at Home Week 11

Our weekend was pretty low key. The husband had a 4-day weekend, so he got some rest.  Saturday morning Olivia and I were up early and out to the farm.  She went back to bed when we got home.  I worked on the back patio, and now that the monsoons let up some, we were able to get outside and weed the garden and flower beds yet again.  It's amazing how many weeds pop up during a week of rain.  I realized that my lettuces and endive didn't come up at all, so I'll have to replant those.  The beets, radishes and onions are doing great.  Tomatoes haven't been moved to the garden as it's just too wet to plant right now.  Mid day I took Olivia back to the farm for the afternoon feeding.  I forgot my camera, but using my phone I did get a photo of her with one of her smaller horses.We ordered dinner from my favorite El Salvadorian restaurant.  So.very.yummy!
Sunday we were out the door early and witnessed a spectacular sunrise as we drove to the farm.  The horses were a little spooked for some reason, and they were all acting weird.  I watched in horror as I saw one of these huge creatures decided to freak out half way between the field and the barn, rearing up on it's hind feet and clawing wildly at some unknown foe with it's front hooves.  There stood my 5'4" girl, directly in front of all that fury with the lead rope in her hands and her feet firmly planted, talking calmly to this huge creature.  The whole thing looked like it was in slow motion,  and ended as abruptly as it had begun.   The rest of the morning was much less dramatic, thank goodness.   Olivia went back to bed when we returned from the morning feeding.    I put a beef roast, beef broth and cream of mushroom soup in the crock pot for dinner and took a little power nap myself.

Our church was open for services, so Tom went to his first in person church service since March. Lindsey opted to stay home.  They are only doing an 11am service, so  Olivia and I had already went back to the farm before Tom returned.  He said there were a lot of people there, many who don't normally go to our church (few in the area are open).

In the evening, I took my beef roast out of the crockpot and replaced it with egg noodles.  This is one of our favorite Sunday afternoon meals.  The beef picks up the flavors of the broth/soup and then when you add the noodles it cooks down to a thick sauce/gravy and is quite the comfort food.

Monday was of course Memorial Day, so the husband was off work.  We didn't have any extra kids to watch, which was everyone got to sleep in a bit.  Lindsey made Belgian waffles for breakfast.  Tom went fishing and the girls and I spent the day reading and binge watching "Kids Baking Championship" shows.    It rained off and on most of the day so there was no grilling to be done, dinner was spaghetti and meatballs.

Tuesday morning Bella arrived around 9:30am.   Olivia and I trimmed the hedges, weeded the flower beds and planted our tomatoes.   Olivia went for a long walk after we were finished and I worked on some other small projects around the house.  There was another long walk after Tom got home from work.     Olivia had a youth group zoom meeting at 8pm that lasted until almost 10.  She's not really enjoying this format at all.  

In his news conference today, the governor announced that as of this Friday (5/29), facemasks are mandatory in public in Virginia.  Three months into the pandemic, our numbers are on the decline and he NOW thinks this is necessary?  Unreal.

Dinner was beef enchiladas and Spanish rice

Wednesday morning Jayce arrived at  6:45am, and Bella arrive around 9am.  I had my 6 month dental appointment at 10am, and was glad to see it didn't get cancelled.  In the afternoon I had a quick drop and go meeting, followed by a cup of coffee in the parking lot with my pal Yvette.  Coffee and adult conversation, it was glorious!  I stopped on the way home and picked up some meat to toss in the freezer for the future.   Olivia once again diagnosed the dog with an ear infection, so we called around to get an appointment since our veterinarian couldn't fit him in for several days.   Dinner was sloppy joes, baked beans and chips.

Thursday morning came early again as Jayce arrived at 6:45 followed by Bella several hours later.  While we were waiting, I repotted a couple of plants and set up a couple of hair appointments for the girls.  The school food pick up was moved to a new location and time, so I ran out and picked that up before heading out to get groceries.  The stores were super crowded, I assume with people stocking up before the mask mandate goes into effect?   Lindsey began her end of year testing once the kids laid down for their afternoon naps.  Olivia had a job interview at 2:30 at a little local sandwich shop downtown.  She's hoping to hear back by Monday on that.  We ran the dog to the new veterinarian's office and sure enough, he does have another ear infection.  Olivia caught it really early, so he should be better with treatment by Wednesday.  This doctor even gave us a pain medicine for him so his ears don't hurt.  Both little kids were gone by the time we got home.  Dinner was leftover night to get the fridge cleared out.

Friday we were back to just having Bella, and she arrived around 9:15am.   By the time she arrived, Lindsey had completed her end of year testing.  Due to the pandemic, we're not required to submit it this year, but I did it for my own records.   I'll be spending my morning cleaning house and then working in the gardens.  Lindsey has another babysitting gig from 2-4 with the neighbors on the next street over. This will be her last time to sit with them, they'll be moving out of state tomorrow.   Olivia will be filling in here.

Dinner tonight will be take out pizza, I think.

Have a great weekend!

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  1. A lovely week! The masks...sigh. We've had to wear them at medical appointments, but beyond that, it isn't mandatory here in Ohio. I would say about 30% of the people at stores are wearing them, outside employees (mandatory for them to wear masks).

  2. Sounds like a great week! I can't believe they are mandating masks! I don't wear a mask, and I don't want to be told that I have to, :-).

  3. They claim masks are mandatory here too but only for those that can wear them so many people claim they are unable and just don't... it's so weird as most stores don't count the # of people going in either so really what is up with these regulations?! Ugh; I am just so sick of it all. My dentist appointment was canceled but only because they are pushing off routine cleanings so they can see everyone that really should have been seen in the 3 months they were shut down for things like cavities and whatnot. I completely understood and was just happy to hear they were opening back up! I went to the grocery store on Tuesday and could not get over the humber of people inside. I don't know if it's just those that have been so afriad to go out finally decided to venture out or what.

  4. How scary the horse rearing up must have been. Great job Olivia for staying calm. I love hearing what you all are eating. I feel like we are being way more creative with our diet recently. The kids are getting into trying new recipes when they cook.
    Blessings, Dawn


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