It's the end of our 5 Days of Tips for Homeschool Parents, and I'm sure you've read lots of ideas and opinions. Some may have been earth shattering life changing ideas. Most were probably things you read and said "oh, ok that's nice" and moved on. So here I am, with one last thing for you to log in the back of your mind. It's simple, yet profound. Ready?
Your family is not like everybody else's.
That doesn't mean I think your family is a bunch of weirdos. But your family has it's own unique dynamic and rhythm. You will drive yourself and everyone around you batty trying to fit the mold. With that comes my second profound statement.
Accept that you may not be the Cleaver's or the Ingalls', but I doubt you're the Adams family either...but even if you do have a Cousin It at home, it's ok, grins. Let the uniqueness that is you and your children impact the world in a way that only you can! Go out and be fabulous today in your own way!
Linking up with the 5 Days of Tips for Homeschool Parents blog hop .
Your homeschool is not like everybody else's either.
Take everything you've read or heard and snub your nose at it. Yes, it's good to get ideas and opinions, and to see how people make things work in their world. Remember though that your world may be vastly different than the one's you've read about. And you know what? That's ok, and it's amazing and its the way it's supposed to because variety is the spice of life.Accept that you may not be the Cleaver's or the Ingalls', but I doubt you're the Adams family either...but even if you do have a Cousin It at home, it's ok, grins. Let the uniqueness that is you and your children impact the world in a way that only you can! Go out and be fabulous today in your own way!
Linking up with the 5 Days of Tips for Homeschool Parents blog hop .
A good reminder that what works for one family will not work for everyone!