
Monday, November 13, 2017

Forbrain (Review Crew)

Today I'm sharing our experience in reviewing Forbrain from Sound for Life LTD.  This product consists of a headset which can be used by children and adults. The head set is designed for people with attention difficulties, speech and language issues, poor memory and learning disabilities.   It's also great for children when they are learning to read beginning to work with phonics.
The products itself comes in a nice plastic, padded case to prevent damage.  The headset contains a lithium battery so there are all the required notifications sent along as well.   The box houses the headset, charging cord. extra mouth piece covers and directions for use.
The headset itself is light weight and easy to put on.  The mouth piece is adjustable/flexible so you can easily put it into the right position for each user.   The on/off button is easy to reach and there is an indicator light that allows you to easily see if the battery is charged.   There are also volume buttons, however it's suggested that the volume be left at the preset level unless your child has a hearing problem or is overly sensitive to volume.

Lindsey (12) is my gadget gal, and she was thrilled to get to wear an official looking headset, grins.  She found the design comfortable and liked that she could move the mouth piece to where it felt best for her.    The product is supposed to be used no more than 20 minutes per day, so Lindsey used this to study her spelling words, work on memorizing her multiplication tables (sigh) and also while memorizing a long poem for language arts, and a speech for her communications class.

Lindsey said she felt like using the headset did help her a great deal in memorizing the 10 stanza poem, and with her spelling words as well.   She also liked that it helped her be more aware of her "uhs and umms" when working on her speech.  The jury is still out on the multiplication facts, as that seems to have been an educational road block for some time, but she's continuing to work on this daily.

My oldest daughter (14) wore the headset while practicing her lines for the Christmas play, and also while working on a speech for her communications class.   She liked that it helped her get used to wearing a headset (she'll have one on in the play) and she also liked that it helped her hear how she sounded so that she could change the inflection in her voice for her lines.   She's also worn it a few times while singing and I've noticed that she's cut way down on the self imposed soprano parts (read: screeching).

I've worn the headset a bit myself, just to get a feel for it.  It is comfortable and easy to wear, although I have very thick and long hair and getting it around all of that has been a challenge, but that's my fault not the products'.  I have found that it makes me very aware of when I'm sloppy in pronunciation and the tone I use (surely I'm not the only Mom who uses a TONE, ahem).

The time frame for noted improvement using Forbrain is longer than our review period, so we will continue to use the headset throughout our academics, especially with memorization and speech preparations.

To read other Crew member reviews of this this product, click here.

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