
Friday, December 21, 2018

Weekly Wrap Up - Twas the Week Before Christmas

The girls spent this past weekend working at the museum, helping with the Lantern Tours.   This meant they were out in the cold from 5pm until almost 10pm each night, having loads of fun with their group of Mummer's.   We were able to get our Christmas baking mostly done during the morning/afternoon on Saturday, and I finished up while they were gone Saturday night.

Those cold and late nights took a toll on everyone and I let them sleep until 10am on Monday.   Olivia could sleep till noon everyday, but Lindsey is never in bed past 7am, so this was a bit unusual.   Once everyone was up and functional, we headed out to mail the only Christmas package we have to ship this year.   Then it was off to scour thrift stores for a work coat, ugly Christmas sweaters and muck boots (there's a story with the boots/work coat).   By 1pm, we were back home doing school work and laundry.   After dinner we all went downtown and walked around looking at the store front decorations.  None of the stores were open, so it was quiet and calm (ok, it was a bit creepy because there was NOBODY down there but us).   Once our creep meter was registering pretty high, we loaded up and went to Chick-fil-a to get their peppermint chocolate chip milk shakes (OH.MY.GOSH) and then we rode around and looked at lights in the bigger neighborhoods.

Tuesday was a regular school day, and the kids chugged along pretty steady.  Around noon, the girls  headed out to deliver cookies to the folks in our neighborhood.   In the afternoon we loaded up and took Olivia off to her introductory meeting for her new farming apprenticeship.  There will be a separate post all about this once we get all the details ironed out.  We had a quiet evening at home.

Wednesday I headed out to get the van inspected for the year.  Thankfully nothing needed repaired/replaced and I was in and out in 15 minutes.   The guys were happy to see me coming, because they knew I had their plate of Christmas cookies and candy with me.   The girls were able to finish their schoolwork really early, and then they worked on some knitting projects.   We headed out to church after dinner.

Thursday was pretty routine.  We again had crazy rains move into the area and flood warnings started being issues...yet again.   The girls were able to knock out their schoolwork pretty quickly and I got caught up on laundry.  The evening was a marathon "Waltons" movie night while eating cookies.

Friday (today) is a flurry of things that will probably all overlap  and/or get cancelled because of the weather.  However, if that's not the case, I should have some nifty photos for you next week.

Have a great weekend, and a Merry Christmas!!
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  1. We had the crazy rains today and lots of wind too. We were thankful we didn't have any flooding and managed to keep our electricity! Now I'm wishing we had a chick-fil-a near us; those milkshakes sound yummy.

  2. How sweet to deliver cookies for the holidays! Stay warm and dry and have a lovely Christmas!!

  3. Oh my goodness! I love the Waltons. We visited their home and museum a few years ago. I love you week. It just sounds lovely.
    Blessings, Dawn


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