
Monday, January 6, 2020

Monday Momentum - Dead In The Water

After losing 50+/- pounds with the KETO lifestyle in 2018, I started Monday Momentum as a way to try to motivate myself to keep on the right path and to make better food choices.   It didn't work, my heart just wasn't in it anymore for whatever reason.  Thankfully, I did manage to keep from gaining the weight back.

However, from the second week of December 2019 until now, I've eaten way more sugars and breads than I'd care to admit.  The scale has gone in the wrong direction, not horribly so, but anything in the wrong direction is bad.  But you know what is really bad?  My joints!

Oh my gosh!  The inflammation that comes with eating excessive sugar is almost unbearable.  My feet, ankles and knees have been in agony.  It took me a bit to make the connection.  After laying awake all night with leg pain and walking like a penguin during the day, I  was finally like "Oh yeah, this is what it felt like before I cut out sugar and wheat".  How soon we humans forget!

So, here I am, the first full week of 2020 and I'm back to the starting block.  This week will be spent getting off sugar and dealing with the withdrawal that goes along with it.  I'll also be getting into the routine of a 16/8 intermittent fasting regimen, and KETO during the 8 hours that I eat.
I've weighed in this morning, and taking my measurements, and you're NUTS if you think I'm going to share that information here.  However, I will update next week with my progress...and there WILL BE PROGRESS.

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1 comment:

  1. LOL! I love that second to last line... I too need to detox from sugar after the holidays. I was doing so good before too and now I feel like I am just CRAVING chocolate all the time!!


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