
Friday, January 10, 2020

Weekly Wrap Up - Back to Our Routine

Our Christmas and New Year break have come to an end and it was time to get back to "normal".    Normal is kind of relative, as we've learned to roll with the punches so to speak.  For example, on Saturday morning, before jiu-jitsu the girls and I went out to the farm to help herd cows that had escaped the night before.  Olivia ended up staying behind to help repair the fence while Lindsey went off to jiu-jitsu.

Monday we were officially back to school and hit the ground running.  Olivia is down to 4 classes now, and is so happy to not be returning to community college this semester.  Lindsey still has a full 6 classes to work on but since she has 3 years of high school left, she's not as worried about finishing early this year.

Tuesday we had a snowstorm move in and all the local county and city schools were closed.  It was only about 3-4 inches of snow, but with the temperatures where they were, it stuck and got slick pretty quickly.  I put a big pot of chili on in the morning, and had the house smelling yummy all day.  Lindsey was scheduled to have an orthodontist appointment at noon on the other side of the county.  I went ahead and erred on the side of caution and rescheduled.  By evening the roads were in pretty good shape, so we did go to jiu-jitsu class.

Wednesday morning temperatures were well below freezing so the county and city schools were again closed because of slick roads.  Lindsey ended up babysitting all day, and worked on lessons here and there.   She took her charge out to play in the snow and ended up collecting a whole pack of children for sledding and a snowball fight before they finally came in to warm up with cocoa and Christmas cookies (glad I packed a bunch of those in the freezer for quick treats).

Thursday was a hodgepodge of activity.  Both girls were babysitting at other homes in the early morning.  Olivia went straight to the farm after her babysitting gig, and Lindsey had a late afternoon hair appointment.  Academics were completed at various times throughout the day.  We had jiu-jitsu in the evening, which pushed dinner out later than I like, but it was one of those days that went that way.  Here's Lindsey's before and after photos:
Friday is a big work day at the farm for Olivia as they prepare for heavy rains to move in the next few days.  Animals and equipment need to be moved, along with hay and feed. Most of the school work for the week was finished by Thursday, with just a math test waiting for Lindsey.  The evening is supposed to involve ice skating with friends, if the temperatures don't get too warm during the day (it's supposed to be in the 50's) causing the outdoor rink to close.

Earlier this week I kicked off my Monday Momentum weight loss accountability thread.  Be sure to pop over and check that out.  I'm thinking of turning it into a weekly link-up...maybe.

I hope you all have a great weekend!
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  1. Ah, snow... we would love a little snow but this week it has been getting up in the 60s. So sad, lol!

  2. I'm not usually a fan of snow but we have been hoping for a few inches at least so we can try out our new snowshoes. We're having pretty warm weather today too; if only the sun had made an appearance.

  3. We had the same snow system - we got about 2 inches but it was sticky stuff and many things were closed or cancelled. Looks like Lindsey made the most of it and had a lot of fun with the neighborhood kids! Thanks for linking up!

  4. I rarely get snow in Alabama so this looks lovely to me! I loved the holiday break, but it is nice to get back into a routine again. Even though I no longer have kids who are school-age, I still feel like I follow the school calendar. :)

  5. I rarely get snow in Alabama so this looks lovely to me! I loved the holiday break, but it is nice to get back into a routine again. Even though I no longer have kids who are school-age, I still feel like I follow the school calendar. :)


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