
Friday, March 13, 2020

Weekly Wrap Up - The Week Panic Took Over a Nation

That's a great blog post title, but I'm sure there are those who will find it offensive.  However, that's what I see, is fear and panic being pushed down the throats of the American people.  Wash your hands, stay away from sick people and pray for your family and for goodness sakes please stop listening to all the fear mongering.  Now onto homeschooling.

The weekend was pretty busy as usual.  Saturday was the belt testing at the jiu-jitsu studio.  The girls were there from 10am until 2:30.  The evening was pretty low key as we just watched movies and relaxed.  Sunday was regular church and then in the afternoon through 11pm Olivia went with the youth group to see Bethel Music in concert.

Monday was a pretty standard day.  The girls are pushing ahead on lessons and knocking their list out.  I finalized Lindsey's curriculum picks and placed the order mid afternoon.  After dinner I had a graduation committee planning meeting.

Tuesday was pretty typical as well, nothing overly noteworthy.  School, house work and jiu-jitsu were the biggies of the day.

Wednesday morning we got news that my younger brother (47) had a heart attack.  Lindsey had her early morning babysitting gig and I had my weekly church meeting at 7pm.

Thursday morning I was up and out the door early to do my weekly grocery shopping.  I was surprised at the strangeness of items out of stock.  Apparently in my city the panicked masses will be living off of heavy whipping cream, ramen noodles, frozen pizza, rice, beans and using way too much toilet paper, ahem.   I went to the hospital to see my brother and sit with his wife while they attempted a heart cath procedure.  The procedure didn't work and now he's looking at quadruple bypass surgery.  Lindsey's new curriculum arrived while I was gone.  Jiu-jitsu classes were held in the evening, but they then announced that along with everything else they'd be closing indefinitely.

Friday the weather here was incredible.  I opened all the windows and we did some deep cleaning and laundry.  Olivia finished up her government curriculum for the year.  She now only has health and Spanish left.  We also baked a pound cake and some cookies for a meeting I have here at the house tonight.

Blast From the Past

Today's flashback is to a co-op class project Olivia worked on back in 2015.  She created a lovely 3-d display of Heidi for the Literature Fair.

Have a good weekend.  Look for opportunities to spread peace not fear!

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  1. I love her 3D board! Very creative. I am with you on the panic - I think it's nuts. Our kids rec baseball league just postponed all practices until after April 4. I'm like - they'll be outside! I don't understand it at all. I'm sorry about your brother and will say a prayer for him.

  2. I definitely think fear has taken over... I tried to get out to do groceries this morning and could not find a place to park at our normal grocery store (I didn't want to shop there anyway once I saw the crowds) but I am amazed at what people are buying. I bought all the usual stuff just a bit more of it... I hope your brother's surgery goes OK; my godfather had a quadruple bypass a few years ago without telling anyone other than his wife and siblings. He was so great about making permanent lifestyle changes after it too.

  3. In our city they will being living off water, toilet paper, cereal and tons of milk. I am concerned about the future having a medically fragile family member, but I wish people would come down and use their critical thinking skills. Prepare for a calamity, but stay polite, reasonable and kind. I made the mistake of going into SAMS this week. A mad house.
    Blessings, Dawn


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