
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Bloggy Changes

The blogging world is changing, along with everything else.  Things that used to be simple are getting difficult, and expensive.   Maybe blogging will go the way of the dinosaur all together?

The latest change that affects us right now, is that Feedburner is going away, which means if you've signed up to receive blog updates via won't be happening anymore. You can put my blog in your favorites list, bookmark my site or follow me on Learning Curve's Facebook page.  I link everything up other there each time I post.  I'm sure there are other ways for you to continue to stay up to date, those are just the three that I know of right off the cuff.   One of my reader's also pointed out that Bloglovin' is a great way to follow blogs as well.  Check it out, and look me up under "Learning Curvey" over there.

I do hope you find a way to keep following our homeschool journey.  I've been blogging here since 2009, and many of you have been with me since the beginning.  We only have two more years to go!

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  1. I have followed you on Bloglovin' for a long time. It is a very nice, free service : )

    1. I had never even heard of Bloglovin' until now. Thanks for commenting to let me know, and a huge thanks for following me!!


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