
Friday, October 19, 2018

Weekly Wrap Up - Tournament Week

Last Saturday was a flurry of activities.   Tom had a 5k race at 8am.  I dropped off baked goods for our 4-H bake sale, then Becca arrived for the day.   We then went to Lindsey's volleyball match at 10am.  At 11am we were dropping Lindsey (costume and all) off at the museum to go to a laundry work shop.  Olivia, Becca and I headed to the bake sale to work the last hour shift and then load up left overs to go to a local nursing home.  At 1:30 I had to run back over to pick Lindsey up and then we all had a wee bit of downtime.  At 4pm we drove the girls to the church and they all went with the youth group to an indoor trampoline facility followed by dinner.  Tom and I went out to dinner and then attempted a little shopping, but didn't see anything either of us liked.

Sunday was a bit different as well.  We typically don't have a Sunday night service, but we did have on this particular day.  I was still able to sneak in a nap between morning services and evening services, and still get dinner fixed.  Score!

Monday was a really nice fall day.  The cooler temperatures moved in pretty quickly and I decided it would be a good time to swap the kids summer clothing for fall/winter clothing.   This took a bit more time that I expected and we found that Lindsey totally skipped a bunch of sizes in the clothing we had in storage.  I worked on laundry while the girls knocked out their school work.  We didn't have anything during the day other than school.  Olivia had volleyball practice from 4-6pm.  After I dropped Olivia off, Lindsey and I took 8 kitchen sized trash bags of clothing to the clothes closet at a local church.

Tuesday was another cool, crisp fall day.  I spent the better part of the morning clearing out the vegetable gardens and getting them ready for their winter break.   I had enough beets left to make a good sized batch for dinner.   I also got some of my flower beds winterized as well.   We had company drop in late morning, and then my brother stopped by in late afternoon.   Even with the unexpected visitors, the girls were able to get their schoolwork done by late afternoon.   Olivia had volleyball from 4-6, and Lindsey had volleyball from 6:45-8:15pm.

On Wednesday morning I headed out to tackle the hedges.   They've needed trimming for a long time but with all the rain we've had it just kept getting put off.  This task went quicker than I'd thought it would.   On the last bush I got careless and got my right index finger in the hedge trimmer.  I'm pretty sure it needed stitches, but I opted to wash it out thoroughly and then bandaged it tightly to stop the bleeding.   Lindsey finished her schoolwork early and helped with bagging the trimmings.  I also got my side yard flower garden winterized as well.   Olivia had volleyball from 4-6pm and we had church from 7-8:30pm.

Thursday was pretty low key.  My finger was still pretty sore, so I decided not to do any yard work.  Olivia's took a practice SAT test and scored really well.  She'll be doing more prep tests next week.  Both girls got their work finished pretty early.   Olivia had volleyball practice from 4-6pm.   Lindsey had the first round of her year end volleyball tournament at 7pm.   It was a terrible match.

Friday Lindsey worked half a day at the museum.  It was originally a full day schedule, but due to Olivia's regional volleyball tournament being out of town and at 4pm,  we rescheduled everyone's day so that we could all travel to the volleyball tournament.  Here's hoping they advance tonight!

Have a great weekend!

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  1. Sorry to hear about your finger; I hope it heals quickly. We've had pretty cold temps here this week too and it reminded me that my middle son still needs winter gear.

  2. Oh my, your finger sounds so painful. I hope it is able to heal quickly. I love the elephant.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. Busy week but it sounds like it was a good one. - Lori, your neighbor on the Crew linkup


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