
Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday Momentum - MCT Oil

Today's "thing" is MCT oil.    All the keto guru's say you should put this in your coffee with butter and have "Bullet Proof Coffee" in the mornings to help curb the appetite.   However, I've found that I really don't like the oily feeling in my coffee, even when I whisk it in.   Instead, I take a tablespoon full in the morning and evening (when I remember).   There's no flavor and I just swallow the whole spoonful at one time and then following it with a beverage of choice.   This does seem to curb the appetite and has helped regulate my digestive tract as well.
Honestly, I'm struggling more with my keto mindset than I did before the holiday's.   Then it was just rigid, "No, I'm not eating that."   Now I'm prone to allow myself more "cheats" and that's not good, it's slowing me down considerably in my goal.  I have to adjust my mindset pretty drastically again.

So having said that, I'm up 2 pounds from last week (last week was over a 6 pound loss).   So I'm still hovering at the 45+/- loss.   Part of the issue is I'm not going to the gym (it's single digits outside, no thank you), I had a Big Mac last week while running people to doctor appointments and I went to dinner with my husband on Saturday...I got a salad but I know it was high on carbs from the dressing.

Today is a new day.   The charge to my next goal weight is firmly in place and doable as long as I keep focused.

How was your week, lose/gain, maintain? 

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1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty much just maintaining as well. It's in the negative digits here today and I too am struggling with exercise. I did get the kids to do a 58 minute Just Walk video with me today though so I'm happy with that.


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