
Friday, September 18, 2015

Weekly Wrap Up–Breaks Over

Our academics are back on track after last weeks little hiatus.  Olivia has finally had the realization that it’s in her best interest to get up earlier (before 8am) and get started on her work instead of laying in bed until 10-ish and then frantically trying to get it all done.  That in and of itself was a great lesson.

In an effort to incorporate a bit more nature study into our lives, we went our to explore our local wetlands area…too bad it’s so gosh dang dry here, ahem.  None the less you can find some lovely photos in that post.   I am proud of the photo below, it reminds me of a National Geographic picture…and it also shows how low the water levels are.

Augusta Wetlands 018

One or our monarch’s made it’s way out of the chrysalis over the weekend.  Sadly, I wasn’t home to see it.  Thankfully the husband thought quickly and got a couple of amazing photographs just before the butterfly emerged, and then a good one of it drying it’s wings.




Once I did return home,(much later in the day) we had a little release ceremony.  Our little butterfly was reluctant to leave, but it eventually took flight.


Lindsey is learning about plant life cycles in science.  I decided to do a project with her that I remember doing back in elementary school.   We placed a paper towel in a ziploc bag, stapled across the middle, added water and then added a row of cantaloupe seeds.   We’ve hung the seeds in the sunroom window so we can see how long it takes them to sprout.


The IEW Ancient History course was a big hit.   Both girls really enjoyed it, and were able to tell me a great deal about what they’d learned.  More importantly they were EAGER to do their homework.  SCORE!

If you’re looking for a fun (and yummy smelling) activity for the littles, try making some Pumpkin Spice Play-Doh for them to enjoy.

How has you week been?

Linking up with the Weekly Wrap Up and Collage Friday.

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  1. Awesome science. I love hatching butterflies.

  2. sounds like some great learning going on...we have never hatched the butterflies. we did hatch the lady bugs a few years ago...

    Enjoy your week!


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