
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Back to the Routine

On Monday we'll go back to our normal routine.   The spouse will return to work and the girls' ballet classes and Awana will start back up.  I'll admit I'm looking forward to it.  We've had a full 2 weeks for the holidays and I feel like we're ready to tackle new ground.   Even Olivia asked "Is it time for us to have school yet?"   I'm thinking its a good thing that she's missing our lessons each day.

We're going to add an excercise time each day (gotta love those New Years resolutions); we're adding a weekly spelling list and we're going to do more crafts each week along with a music time.   We're finally getting away from colonial days and moving on to the pioneer era.  We'll study Laura Ingalls Wilder for a while.  I found the cutest covered wagon craft kit at Michael's for $1 so we'll be making out own wagons.

We'll also spend time training Holle too.  I guess she'll be the school mascot!  She appears to be a bright little dog, but very strong willed.   We've already mastered "sit"; now we have to work on "come", "stay" and walking on a leash.   She's a very prancy little dog, I think she'd make a decent little show dog for the 4-H for the girls if we can break her stubborn streak.

It looks like we're going to be finishing up this "year" around the end of February.  So I'm in the throes of getting our new stuff planned out and purchased.  I'm wanting to add Latin, and I'm leaning strongly towards "Song School of Latin".  I guess that would work for foreign language and music if we're singing, right??

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