
Friday, December 4, 2020

Weekly Wrap Up - Hello December

Time just keeps marching on and here we are in the last month of 2020, and hopefully the last level of Jumanji, grins.

This past weekend we decked the halls and finished all of our Christmas decorating done.  I would really like to put the tree up later in the month, but with everyone's work schedules like they are, I knew the day after Thanksgiving was the only shot at having everyone home long enough to get it done.  I'll sprinkle a few photos throughout this post. Saturday and Sunday were work days for Olivia.  Sunday evening we traveled to the in-laws house for our final Thanksgiving celebration.

Monday was pretty typical here.  Lindsey worked on her regular lessons.  Olivia worked on her German and then spent a good part of the day reading one of her many books on World War 2.  It was a laundry and house cleaning day for me.

Tuesday morning we went to the chiropractor, followed by a quick shopping trip so that the girls could finish their Christmas shopping.   We dropped Olivia off at the farm around 11am and then Lindsey and I headed home to hit the books.  A little after 1pm, my husband called to tell me they were shutting his factory down due to someone (or several someone's) testing positive for the virus.  They sent all of first shift home and told 2nd and 3rd shifts not to come in, and they were closed Wednesday as well.  Lindsey had dress rehearsal for the lantern tours from 3:30-5pm.  I dropped her off and did a little shopping.  Jiu-jitsu wrapped up the day.

Wednesday morning I had a dentist appointment.  Tom and Olivia worked on cleaning the gutters and doing a few other outdoor projects together. Lindsey worked on her lessons, and got a little frustrated with all the interruptions that come with Tom being home. Her school day took longer than usual.  She had her final dress rehearsal from 3:30-5pm.  

Thursday morning Tom returned to work.  They were informed that starting Friday, December 4 all employees would be required to wear masks while working.   I hope that changes by summer as their facility is not air conditioned and it is often well over 100 inside during the summer months.  Olivia went to the farm at noon and I did a grocery store run.  Jiu-jitsu wrapped up the evening.  Unfortunately, coming home from dropping the kids off, the Jeep suddenly made a grinding noise in the front driver's side wheel well.  We dropped it off at the garage down the street before time to go pick the girls back up.

Friday morning I was up early to drive the husband to work so that I could have his vehicle for the day.  Olivia has to be at work at 3pm at the new farm, and Lindsey has to be on-site at 3:15 to get ready for the first lantern tour at 4pm.  I have to make a loop to get everyone where they need to be and then pick Tom up at 3:30pm when he gets off work.  He may have to wait a bit.  Here's hoping it's a quick, easy and inexpensive fix to the Jeep. 

Have a great weekend!

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  1. Love the Christmas decorations and I really hope drop offs/pick ups went ok today! Hopefully it will be quick and inexpensive to fix the Jeep.

  2. Your decorations are very nice. I hope there is a vaccine by summer and life returns to normal.
    Blessings, Dawn


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