
Friday, October 29, 2021

Weekly Wrap Up - Farewell October

Lindsey's work schedule was a bit skewed this week.  The one child she works with on Monday, Wednesday & Thursday was scheduled to have surgery this week, so she was free.  On a side not, he had a cold (not Covid, just a cold) and they cancelled his's taken 6 months to get this appointment, so who knows how long it will be before he can get his needed procedure done. 

Everyone was home on Monday (Tom had a vacation day) so we all hopped in the car for a road trip.  We visited the largest corn maze in the U.S. at Liberty Mills Farm in rural Virginia.  There was a bald eagle flying over us as we walked towards the maze entrance.  Such a majestic creature to see so close up and free. There are several levels of mazes, so we started out with the easiest and worked our way up to the big one.  The weather was perfect, if not just a bit too warm!

I posted the above photo on my FB page to see who got the reference to the movie "Children of the Corn".  Which, by the way, I have never watched, but I just thought it was a cool photo op.

Olivia started a new part time job on Tuesday at an alpaca farm.  She'll be working temporarily, Monday-Friday, while the regular person is out with a horrible leg injury.  This is Olivia's first time working with alpacas, and there are 30 alpaca's to get used to and names to learn.  She does seem to like it, although either the corn field or the alpaca's have sent her allergies into over drive this week.  Lindsey had a shorter day babysitting, only 8:30-3:30.  

Wednesday was pretty normal.  Lindsey was home all day so she didn't have to get up early to get her lessons started.  Olivia is typically home by 9:30am from the alpaca farm.  We made popcorn balls in the afternoon, before fall got away from us!

Thursday Lindsey picked up a couple of hours of work at her second babysitting job.  Olivia headed to the alpaca farm and I did my standard grocery shopping trip.  In the afternoon we worked on laundry and housework.  I also got our open enrollment completed for insurance.

Friday we woke up to heavy rains and fog, and a neighbor whose house got toilet papered over night.  Lindsey had to be at work by 9, so she finished school before she left.  After Olivia got home from work, she helped me make desserts for tomorrow night's annual Great Pumpkin Party, and we also made spooky cookies for her to take to an event she's going to tonight.

Here are photos of my "sincere pumpkin patch", Fantasio Bars and spooky cookies.   The pumpkin patch is a twist on the typical pudding/dirt dessert, I just add the pumpkins and vines to the top for a festive touch.  The cookies are red velvet, with cream cheese frosting.  We were going for a creepy eyeball look, I think we may have missed the mark on the decorations, but I'm sure they are tasty.

Have a fun and safe weekend!

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  1. What yummy and fun treats. I hope everything works out with the rescheduling of surgery for the little one.
    Blessings, Dawn


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