
Friday, May 17, 2019

Weekly Wrap Up - Mother's Day & Shakespeare

The kids got me a couple of new coffee mugs for Mother's Day.   The one on the right is my favorite because of a t-shirt I saw on line...that has a nice play on words...but my husband says it's too close to using profanity.  The kids agreed with me that it was funny, so they were thrilled to at least find a similar cup, and it makes me laugh every time I use it.

The kids at the museum did a 1850's version of "Midsummer Night's Dream" during their May Fair.  Lindsey played Peter Quince (the narrator), and it was quite funny.   Here are a few photos.

Olivia has spent much of her time this week doing on-line training classes for her summer job.  The first 8 classes were short, 5-20 minutes each.   The big one is 10 hours long, and she should be wrapping it up Monday.  Our Internet isn't the best so there's a lot of locking up during the videos, which is annoying.

Today is Olivia's only day at the farm.  The folks she works for have been traveling out of state so she's been on hiatus, which worked well for her to get the online classes done.

I've been busy with spring cleaning this week.  Now that I have that behind me, it's time to move on to some painting (GAH...I hate painting) and other maintenance projects around the house.

Here's my view when I look out my kitchen window.    This little flower bed has a rose bush, irises, asters, spider wort, lambs ear, daffodils, a sad looking rhododendron and obedient plants...and my happy little gnome.  He makes me smile.
I hope you've had a great week.
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  1. Lovely garden view! We still don't have much blooming here yet but I have noticed lots of green creeping in so hopefully we'll have some colorful blooms soon.

  2. Wow! I wonderful summer seems to be shaping up for all of you. The garden is lovely.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. I love your new mugs! Coffee mugs are always a welcome gift for me. The Shakespeare play looks like a lot of fun, and your kitchen window view is lovely! Thanks for linking up!


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