
Monday, February 18, 2019

Monday Momentum - Holiday Survival

Typically, food is at the center of most holiday celebrations.   This past week was of course Valentine's Day and Valentine's is synonymous with chocolate.   Speaking as a former chocoholic, Valentine's Day can be pretty hard to get around.

As a funny side story, back in the late 1990's, I decided to fast sugar and chocolate for the whole month of February.  For one, I didn't have a boyfriend at the time, so I didn't have to worry about chocolate and also, it's the shortest month of the year so hey, I could survive 28 days, right?   Imagine my surprise on Valentine's Day, when a good looking guy I'd never met showed up at my office with a FIVE POUND box of candy and a dozen roses for me.  That was the LONGEST remaining 14 days of my life...but I held steady.  The first day of March arrived and I made myself sick on chocolate.  True story ya'll.

Anyway, I've found that all these holiday's and special treats tend to be one of the things that really hangs me up, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.  Maybe it's just me, but I'm already thinking of all the coconut goodies that'll be hitting the shelves soon for Easter (and WHY is Easter & coconut intertwined???).

Thankfully, there's a bakery in our town that sells (and ships) KETO desserts.   They have the most amazing peanut butter cheesecake cups, and my dear husband got me four of those for Valentine's Day, and I spread them out over a four day period.  Delish and still on plan.
So, my suggestion to you and me, is to buy things that are on plan, or find recipes and make your own.   If you go into holiday's, birthday's or other celebrations feeling deprived you're not going to do well...and you're not going to enjoy the event as much.  Plan ahead, buy or make an on plan treat and don't feel bad for taking it with you.

This week I hit the goal I was aiming for two weeks ago.  Better late than never, it's all about continuing to make progress and healthy choices.  I didn't get here overnight, and I'm not dropping it all over night.  Speaking from experience, a marathon is a lot harder than a sprint...but few can say they've finished the race.

How do you handle food centered celebrations?
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