
Friday, April 10, 2020

Weekly Wrap Up - Holy Week

The husband actually had this past weekend off.  He was happy to get a break and get to sleep in a little.   Saturday he and I worked on trimming the tree by our back patio.  This was on my things to do list, and since our city has their big trash pickup scheduled for the upcoming week, we wanted to get it done and out to the curb.   We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.

Sunday was another low key day, of course.  We listened to our church's online service and a few othe services as well.  We mostly read, napped and watched a few movies.  Walking to and through the park helped kill a bit of time.  Dinner was flounder, broccoli/cheese rice, lima beans and hot rolls.

Monday started earlier than usual.  Lindsey's new charge (Jayce) arrived at 6:30am and Bella came  in around 7:15am.   Both kids are regular's for her, but both are used to having her to themselves when they are here, so we had some "adjusting" to do.  I had a 9am Advisory Committee online meeting with the local community college.  I found out that I can pick up free lunches for all the kids through our local school system for the duration of the pandemic.  I of course found this out after the pickup time for today had passed, but it's on my calendar for Thursday!   Olivia got her school work done pretty early and then went for a walk around the area to check on the dog population.  Lindsey had to be a little more creative with her time, but thankfully both kids took a really long nap after lunch that allowed her to get her online class completed.  Dinner consisted of venison Salisbury steaks, mashed potatoes and a plum cobbler.

Tuesday we were back to our regular morning routine with Bella (no Jayce today). Mid-morning, Olivia had a virtual job interview using Zoom.  It was her first time using this platform, but it went well and we didn't even lose the internet connection at any point.  Around lunch time we had visitors text us from the street to see if we wanted to come chat across the yard.  Crazy times ya'll.  Olivia finished her school work shortly after the drive by visit.   Lindsey's school day ran late since she was late getting Bella down for a nap.  We had a really intense thunderstorm move through in late afternoon, which spotty showers through the evening.   Dinner was teriyaki pork loin, glazed carrots, broccoli and pineapple.

Wednesday morning we were awakened really early by the emergency alert system.  By the time I heard it and was awake enough to comprehend what they were saying the storm hit us.  It was a super cell, moving at 70mph and containing winds of 60mph.  There were crazy amounts of hail, wind, rain and some spectacular lightning.  Had there been a tornado there wouldn't have been time to have taken cover.  A large part of our area lost electricity, but thankfully we never lost power.  Jayce arrived around 6:30am and Bella came in around 7:15am.  Bella does a lot better with the early mornings than the boy.  The plan from now on will be for Lindsey to put him to bed as soon as he gets here and let him get some sleep and see if that helps with his crabbiness.

After our rough morning, I headed out to get groceries.  Trying to obey the stay at home order isn't a problem at all, until you have to get food.  Aldi's is my go to, but they were out of a lot of items this week; Walmart had some things that Aldi's was missing.  The Dollar Tree ended up being a big help, but having to run to 3 places to get needed items seems to defeat the purpose.  I guess my tracking grade was an F for the day, ahem.

School went pretty well.  Olivia finished by lunch time, and then headed out to go walk about and check on the dog population.  Lindsey didn't finish her last subject until after both kids were gone. I worked on laundry in the evening.  Dinner consisted of chili dogs and French fries.  It was also cookie night, so Lindsey made her weekly chocolate chip cookie treat for us all.

Thursday morning we got to sleep in.  Jayce's mother (nurse) was off work, and Bella's mom (LPN at the hospital) and other nursing staff at the hospital are being given time off due to lack of work.  I won't EVEN go into how this reflects the true nature of our current "pandemic", ahem.  The girls were able to get their work done early.   We planted some flower seeds and worked on house work as well.   Tom got sent home for work 2 hours early, they ran out of work for the week.  He got the yard mowed. Dinner consisted of fresh green beans, rice and some super thin steaks.

Friday morning Jayce arrived at 6:30am.  Lindsey put him right to bed and he got a couple hours of sleep, this made for a much better day for everyone!   We had snow around 7:30am.  Tom was off work, so he putted around the house and worked on a few projects.  After everyone finishes school we will work on the garden and play outside. In the evening our goal will be to color Easter eggs and order pizza for dinner.

Blast From the Past

With the arrival of spring and everything starting to bloom, this is a wonderful time for your kids to do an Outdoor Art Class.  The flowers in the post were from late summer, but the same premise will work with all the spring blooms we have now.
I hope you have a good weekend.
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  1. What a bummer that your stores are still so empty of supplies. I haven't been out in almost two weeks and can go a few more, so I have no idea how it is in our area. I hope the pandemic continues to stay away from your area. The flattening of the curve is working pretty well in our city too, but not so great in other parts of our state. What a great experience your daughter is getting caring for young children.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. I've been using up our pantry items as much as possible, but those have needed restocking this past week.

  2. That storm sounded scary! Glad you managed to keep your power though. Sounds like you had some nice yummy meals this week. We got takeout one night and found that a few of our favorite restaurants aren't even open for take out anymore.. I sure hope they're able to open back up after all of this.

    1. There are so many local/small businesses that just aren't going to be able to bounce back. I feel so bad for those folks.

  3. That storm did sound scary! What an awful way to wake up. The rest of your week sounded much more peaceful, but I'm like you - it's hard to "stay home" when you have kids that want to eat!

    1. Food is definitely a necessity, with teens in the house it doesn't last long, and we've added the 2 littles as well.

  4. you must live in an area that hasn't been hit by Covid-19 yet if your nurses are being laid off for not enough work. I know where I live the nurses and ambulances are too busy. Be very grateful. :)

    1. We're in a more rural area, so I think that's lessened the impact here.


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