
Friday, October 30, 2020

Weekly Wrap Up - Goodbye October...

We suddenly plummeted into late fall temperatures here.  I was hoping to be able to hold off a bit longer on turning on the heat.  Monday morning at 10:30am it was still 63 degrees in the house, so I bit the bullet and turned the heat on.  Olivia went over to farm #1 at 9am to work, and she also got to go on a 90 minute trail ride.  While doing the afternoon feeding, Olivia spotted that one of the horses was starting to show signs of colic and the vet was called in to check him.  A load of hay was delivered around 4 and after getting that unloaded and stacked she headed home.  Lindsey worked through her school work and then went back to listening to vlogs and working her jigsaw puzzles.  I worked on laundry, and also did inventory in my pantry and freezer to get an idea of what items I need to restock.  In the evening, we made our traditional popcorn balls.

Tuesday morning we had an early morning chiropractor appointment.  All three of us had multiple areas to get worked on, and were feeling much better by the time we left.  Olivia got a text that the colicky horse wasn't doing well, and shortly thereafter we headed to the farm.  Long story short, it appears that there was a major internal issue that had rapidly advanced, possibly an entangled or ruptured intestine.  By 11am the vet was back on site and the horse was put down.   I'm not sure who cried more, the owner or Olivia.
After we got back from that ordeal, Olivia worked on her German and then I took her downtown to do a little Christmas shopping. Lindsey stayed home and worked ahead in her school work.  In the evening we went to church to hear Jesse Duplantis preach.   

Wednesday morning Olivia headed back to farm #1.  She's helping the couple get the farm ready for winter, moving watering troughs and getting the hay barns filled.   Lindsey had her varsity volleyball tournament starting at 5:30.   One of her team members decided not to show up, which meant they had to put a bench warmer into a high activity position that she'd never played before.  It cost them the game, and the tournament...and goes to show why everyone needs to be getting playing time across the board, not just the self-proclaimed super stars.   

Thursday morning we had torrential rains with the remnants of Zeta moving through.  I didn't do my morning grocery shopping...I hate walking through the pouring rain with a grocery cart full of stuff.  I Olivia had a job interview at another horse farm at 11am, and then at 12:30 she was at farm #2 filling in for the afternoon shift.  Jiu-jitsu wrapped up our evening.

Friday, Tom was off work so we took the day off from school and went out to do some family stuff. We drove a little way, had lunch at Olive Garden, painted our Christmas ornaments for the year and did some shopping.  Tonight we'll carve our pumpkins and make more popcorn balls...the others didn't last long.

Have a great weekend!!  Happy Halloween!

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  1. I am glad I am not the only one Christmas shopping. I am so sorry about the horse. I can completely understand that tears. What a hard part of the week. Happy Halloween.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. I've been doing some Christmas shopping soon. I bet it was really hard to have that horse put down; I can totally understand your daughter's tears. We turned our heat on this week too. In fact I'm watching our snow melt and hoping it warms up even more so it's all gone soon. LOL.


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