
Sunday, June 27, 2021

Weekly Wrap Up - Just Stuff

We picked up Lindsey's retainers on Monday afternoon.  Her teeth had already started to shift from when her braces came off on Friday, so she's been a bit uncomfortable as everything moves back into position.  She's also got the cutest lisp now, she sounds slightly Daffy Duck-ish.  She also had PT, and they told her to take the week off from jiu-jitsu to see if that impacts her pain level any.

Tuesday was a long work day for both girls.  Lindsey went to jiu-jitsu, but only to watch.  She doesn't want to get behind, or miss hanging out with the guys, but couldn't participate.

Wednesday morning, Olivia had a meeting with the financial director of the equestrian center.  This was her first time being in such a meeting, so she was a bit nervous going in.  However, she was excited coming out, she was given a really big hourly rate increase (several dollars on the hour).  Lindsey had PT, and picked up a couple of extra hours babysitting.  We were able to go to the ball game in the evening.  It was super nice weather, actually cool enough to need a hoodie after the sun went down. 

Thursday was grocery and laundry day for me.  Lindsey had a short work day.   Jiu-jitsu wrapped up the evening.  Lindsey went to class, but just watched again.

Friday morning I took Lindsey for her annual checkup and sports physical.  We have no clue if volleyball will be a thing this year, but we wanted to at least have the forms filled out, just in case.  We did some shopping afterwards and then went out for a nice sit down lunch at a quirky sandwich shop.  We stopped for milk shakes on the way home.  We had nothing going on in the evening, thank goodness!

Enjoy your weekend!

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  1. Hurray for a raise and getting to go to a baseball game. Sounds like a great week.
    Blessings, Danw

  2. Congrats to Olivia on her raise!! That's fabulous.


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