
Friday, February 28, 2020

Weekly Wrap Up - Goodbye February

Friday night we did end up going to the observatory field trip (it had been rescheduled several times).  The sky was clear and it was a perfect night, with the exception of the temperatures plummeting into the 20's.  We did enjoy it, but it will need to be something we do again in spring or fall, because once we lost the feeling in fingers and toes, we also lost our enthusiasm. After we drove  back to town and dropped the husband off at home, I took the girls to the bowling alley for a friend's birthday event.  We didn't get home until after 11pm.
Saturday morning we were out the door to jiu-jitsu.  When we got home I put a pork shoulder in the oven to cook all day; then late in the day I shredded if for barbeque for Sunday.  Lindsey had another babysitting job with a different family than the ones she normally works for.  The rest of us stayed home and either watched movies or read (me being the reader).

Sunday morning I put the pulled pork and barbeque sauce/seasonings in the crockpot before heading out the door. We had our typical back to back church services.  After 4 years of having to be there every Sunday for both services, I've decided we have to make some changes.  On the way home we ran by KFC to pick up cole slaw to go with the barbeque.   Lunch was delicious, with enough left over for Monday night dinner too!  The girls headed out to babysit in the evening, and the husband and I went to Dunkin Donuts for coffee/donuts to finish using up a gift card we got for Christmas.  The evening went relatively normal and we all went to bed a bit early.  Around 2am Olivia woke up vomiting again.  Thankfully is was a one and done deal, no fever or other symptoms.  I've questioned them both a great deal about whether they are eating/drinking anything at the church they work at on Sunday's since that seems to be when weird vomiting hits either of them.  They assured me they had not, so???

Monday I let everyone sleep in.  Lindsey was up around 9am. Olivia ended up sleeping until 11am, and I finally woke her up.  I tried sleeping in, but apparently I'm not good at it and was up before 7, sigh.  Schoolwork went fairly quick.   The evening was low key with nowhere to be, score!

Tuesday was pretty typical too.  Olivia seemed a little less fatigued.  I ran out to pick up a few more library books for Lindsey's research project.  You can't find much at our local library on Uganda, unless you want books that are more than 20 years old.  She ended up using the books to find random information, and then looked up current statistics and information on the internet.  In the evening, both girls had jiu-jitsu.   There were some much bigger guys in class, and it gave both girls the opportunity to roll with big guys.  It was a good eye opener to see just how different it is when you're trying to deal with a 150lb guy vs. a 240lb guy.  

Wednesday morning was super foggy, like Stephen King movie creepy.  It was almost 10am before the sun was able to burn off the fog.  It ended up being a gorgeous spring like day.  The weather concerns me, as my flowers, trees and shrubs are already budding and blooming.  I know there is likely to be a snow/ice storm in March/April that will wreak havoc on the plants.  Nothing I can do but watch it happen.   As always, the girls knocked out their lessons with little help from me.  I spent most of the day deep cleaning the kitchen and working on laundry.  The evening wrapped up with church.

Thursday I was up early to do a road trip with a friend.  The temperatures had plummeted and it was again frigid.  The kids got their schoolwork done while I was gone.  Lindsey fixed a lovely supper for everyone and I got home just in time to take them to jiu-jitsu.

Friday morning Lindsey was up early to get a few tests done before heading out to a babysitting gig (9:30-noon). Note the "morning after jiu-jitsu ice pack" in the photo above.  I dropped her off and did the grocery shopping.  Olivia stayed home and got her schoolwork done and packed her things.  She'll be leaving this evening at 5pm to go on a retreat with her youth group for the weekend.  (No Lindsey does not attend youth group.)  I'll pick Lindsey up at noon and then we'll work on housework together until time to drop Olivia off.  The rest of us are going out for El Salvadorian food for dinner, then home for a Men In Black movie marathon.


When we first moved to our current city, the kids were little and our local homeschool group had a once a month "Activity Day".  Some of my best times teaching were in those classes.  When Lindsey was 5, I taught a Dr. Seuss themed class.  Since March 2 is Dr. Seuss' birthday, I thought I'd share these posts to enspire you to do fun things with the kiddos.

Fox in Socks
The Lorax
Bartholomew and the Oobleck
Horton Hears a Who
Oh the Places You Will Go
The Foot Book
The Cat in the Hat
Green Eggs and Ham

Have a great weekend!

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  1. Frozen fingers and toes would do it for me too!

  2. Sounds like a great week! Thanks for the reminder about Dr. Suess Day - I'll try to work some books and activities in our schedule Monday. Thank you for linking up this week.

  3. An observatory really is more enjoyable when it's not quite so cold! Hope you get to go again. Sorry you're dealing with some illness - hope everyone is feeling better!


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